Can southpaw Sergio outbox "The best middleweight in the welterweight division", or can the slugger knock him out of the box? 15 Rounds
That goes to show you some of the weirdos and losers there are, Andrew. I don't even know what that is. Some creeps certainly live vicariously through their computers and hero worship real people, that instance of some lonely psycho pretending to me certainly bears that out.
its pretty interesting. perhaps you can ask mike rossman what it is. for the record, martinez beats the dog shit out of this punching bag
When are people going to realize that Graziano was basically a blown up welter with a great right hand, no defense, a shaky chin and no stamina? He won one out of three against the second most overrated Middleweight of his generation Both of them avoided the best fighters like the plague and both would have been carved up by numerous peers (LaMotta, Holman Williams, Burley, to name just three off the top of my dome) who lacked the connections to get title shots (LaMotta of course, later rectified this by tanking it against Billy Cox) Martinez may be an overrated fighter in many ways, but he can move, he can jab decently, he can land a right hand... he's got more than enough to batter Graziano... it might not look as pretty as Ray Robinson deciding to slug it out with Graziano and blasting him out, but it would be decisive nonetheless
Agreed. I've only seen a handful of Graziano's fights but he appeared to me in the Gatti and Ward type league. Tough, determined and not completely without boxing skills, but still a very clear level below the best. Rocky wouldn' fight as lazily as Jr did against Martinez did, but he also wouldn't be brining in 180+ pounds with him.
Martinez would leave Rocky weeping and fumbling and calling his pal Jake to come sort the Latin Fag out.