If mcgirt fought him then he couldn't train him, so it wouldn't be the "new and improved boxer" gatti. Trick question
I'm with the consensus (so far) here, Buddy would humiliate Gatti. Arturo would sadistically enjoy the outcome though.
Trick question is right. The bum was never "new and improved". Gatti always had mediocre skills. He showed them at 130, then fell in love with his power and stopped using them for awhile. McGirt simply got him to go back to them for awhile, but he didn't improve shit. ANYBODY can look like a "boxer" against Mickey Ward. Ivan Robinson, and Manfredy showed that bacally ANY fighter with a lil bit of handspeed and skill can thrash Gatti. Speaking of which, I'd love to have seen Broner vs Gatti at 135. Adrien would have lit him the punching bag up somethin horrible!