You Say that as if Hatton's Been KO'ed Multiple Times or Something???... Sure he was Old, but Canelo's KO of Baldomir Impressed REED.... REED:num:
Agreed, Matthew Hatton is shite, but has always been durable. It might be the only thing he's ever had over his brother.
More and more I really get the feeling that Trout is gonna put a whuppin on Ging. Ging is a good offensive fighter against a stationary target, but I suspect in the face of a world class technician like Trout that many of his deficiencies will be exposed. Trout by UD.
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Trout beat Cotto because of size and youth....Canelo is going to roll over him... and X when did Trout become a "world class technician" ???
I agree that the Cotto of 10 years ago would not have much trouble tearing Trout apart, a little but not much. I like Canelo as he is tough and aggressive, but he's not in the same league of fighter as a young Cotto, but I think he beats Trout tonight.
REED's Going w/Canelo by UD or VERY Late Stoppage... If Miguel Cotto was BIGGER, had LESS Wear & Tear on Him & BETTER Handspeed, he'd have Beaten Trout...In Other Words, if Cotto were Canelo Alvarez, he'd have Beaten Trout...Canelo's YOUTH will Be an Asset & he'll Be EMBOLDENED by his Undefeated Record AND Seeking Revenge for his Brother...Cotto Quietly ACCEPTED Defeat to Trout, by Round 10-11 or So, but Canelo would Get KO'ed 1st, Before Following Suit...Canelo's BRAVERY will Help him Here... REED Maintains Canelo is a BETTER Puncher than Cotto (@ 154 for Certain) & Will EXHIBIT this Tonight...Canelo's Punches will AFFECT Trout More than Cotto's Did...Canelo's SUPERIOR Handspeed (to that of Cotto) will Lead to More Connects, as Well... Stylistically, Trout APPEARS to Be a "Slick, Cutey", but he's Actually SLOPPIER than Most Slicksters are...Not Quite as Athletic as Most Slicksters Either...SOLID, All Around Fighter, but NOT the Least Bit SPECIAL (or even ABOVE Average) in Any Particular Area...REED Admires the NUTS it Takes to Beat Miguel Cotto IN MSG & Trout is Still HUNGRY... But @ the End of the Day, REED Thinks Canelo is ALREADY Above Average (if Only Slightly), w/the Potential to Be SPECIAL... Canelo Alvarez by UD or Very LATE (10,11,12) Stoppage... REED:up:
Thanks for the Reminder, Bro...REED Honestly DIDN'T Know Fury vs. Cunningham was Being Televised in the States:stunned:... REED's NEVER Seen Fury Fight, but LIKES his Bravado & Looks Forward to Seeing him in Action Today.... REED:scared:
Because the fight is fixed. We already know that for a fact. Trout isn't getting any decisions unless he wins every round HUGE.
Apparently Canelo took a private plane to Texas and Trout had to fly coach. There's no way this bout is legitimate. Fan consensus will tell us who won this fight, not the judges.
i will make an exception to my heavyweight boycott to watch furry because he talks decent shit and slandered cage fighter. i hope i dont regret this.
One is a future money cow and a favorite of the promotional company...the other one is a southpaw with a fan base of 4-5 family members. I bet Pacquiao got treating like a king by TOp Rank and Bradley like a second class citizen...did it made a difference no?
Hughie's still only 18 too. A former World amateur champ. He's got potential and will grow into his body too. I'm looking forward to his progress.