118-109 is a disgrace Trout deserved better than to be playing a rigged game I enjoyed the fight, it could have gone either way 118-109 is a slap in the face for a guy who fought his ass off
You just heated because you wanted Canelo to lose, only a hater would have Trout up 5-0...you probably had it 6-0....
This was not a robbery though, let's be fucking real... the fight had a contrast of qualities that guaranteed a difficult scorecard
bullshit fight was close... quality vs. quantity only a fool would think this is a clear cut win for either man
a close win for either guy or a draw would have been fine by me That one card is a travesty, though and 116-111 ain't much better
Trout talking like he was schooled or something..it was a close fight bro...you had to KO him to win in Texas...you're not a puncher..maybe take it to Vegas or somewhere else might get better scores but it was a close fight....in Vegas, Cali, NY it will be a close fight 115-113 either way..even draws.
Trout taking this defeat in more stride than those scores deserve... His fine-ass fiance better reward him with a ridiculous, slobbering blowjob
Edit : Didn't quote the post but I was replying to the one talking about Trout's interview. Canelo landed the harder punches the whole fight. Trout probably felt that too. Both landed about the same amount of power punches but Canelo's punches were harder. Trout's advantage in jabs wasn't enough to make up for the difference. Also, it is important to note that none of the unofficial judges had it for Trout. Props to Trout anyway, he was classy in defeat and really fought to win.
unless her BFF..is a dude...and No bitch of mine is going to have a dude as her BFF..unless that motherfucker is a flaming homo....real talk.
Of course!!! Ricans and Mexicans are never impartial when it comes to their own as you saw in tonight's WBC open scores.
I predicted this fight for Trout, but Canelo was clearly the better fighter every time he opened up. He was accurate and knocked Trout back with every punch he landed. He just knew he didn't have to open up much, because of the bullshit open scoring and the bullshit cards. 118-109? Mayweather-Canelo is an interesting fight, imo. The automatic conclusion is that Floyd tears the kid 10 new assholes, but consider a) how big he is (172 lb in the ring tonight), b) how hard he hits, and c) the fact that Floyd's legs aren't what they were, he's gonna have to fight in the pocket .. and his reflexes there have dulled slightly as well. But if he pulls that taking rounds off shit against Floyd like he did against Trout & he did against Gomez, he will get worked.