To me, he's clearly as good a candidate for the top spot as anyone... the only other guys I could see a real case for are Hagler and Robinson
I've always considered King Carlos to be #1 at 160, I'd pick him over anyone else there I think in my mind.
I think he could beat the likes of Robinson, Hagler and Hopkins but the reverse is also true. Probably any combination of the four would need a trilogy to decide.
I agree, it's close between the 4, but if forced to pick between them, I'd have to go with Monzon's range, skill and discriprine to get the better of the other 3 in close fights.
I'd have more faith in Hagler in MMs if you didn't know he'd pick the worst possible strategy in every fight just to 'prove' a point.
the problem for mayweather jr will be the 172lbs alvarez comes into the ring at. that will give him a 15-20lbs weight advantage.
Because he was the guy getting hit and could tell they were hard, good shots. Sure, Trout probably should have gotten some rounds, but Canelo won this fight legit and clear. Who would you rather be? Canelo in most rounds and maybe Trout in a few rounds.
There were a few rounds where Canelo threw not much in quantity - throwing ones and twos and not sustaining constant pressure. He took a chill pill basically in these rounds.
I can't find the punchstats to look at the round by round differences. I think part of Alvarez's output being low at times was his focus on moving the head and defense. I leaned Alvarez by decision, but I thought it would be through pressure and trading and making Trout fight. I never thought I'd see Alvarez be able to make a guy like Trout miss so often. At 22 years of age, this added aspect of Alvarez's game increases his top side potential noticeably in my estimation.
He's a naturally much bigger guy than Cotto. I will concede that I underrated his punching technique, though.
I still don't think he's a puncher, he just has fairly heavy hands, along with good timing and accuracy.
I hope Canelo goes on to fight a Kirkland, Angulo, or someone with some pop next...hopefully he doesn't go back to fighting the Lopez, Gomez of the world...
Yes but I rather see him pummel those bums...than smaller 140-147 pound BUMS....I wouldn't might him taking an easy fight and beating the shit out of Ishe Smith... It's not like G is going to put him in against Vanes or Lara
The Point REED was Trying to Make was Canelo Hits HARDER than Cotto AND Throws his Hands More Rapidly...That's Basically WHY Dude Won the Fight.... REED:fightme:
Originally Posted by Baron It was certainly a close bout but I think the right man won. I also have no issue with Trinidad vs DeLa Hoya :Alabama:
That would be a step down from Trout. He'll try to fight Floyd and if Floyd doesn't want that fight it will probably be Cotto.