You're saying Canelo has better punching technique than Cotto, I disagree. If anything, they're about equal. A heavyweight with similar placement, accuracy, handspeed etc to Canelo will hit harder than Canelo. This is not arguable, it is physics. BTW, Cotto doesn't have to be Corrales & Canelo doesn't have to be Fury. Welcome to analogies & abstract reasoning.
Please:wack: Corrales & Fury are in NO WAY Analogous to this Argument, so SPARE REED your Cracker Jack Box "Intelligence"...You Threw some BULLSHIT to the Wall, Hoping it'd Stick, but it DIDN'T... The END RESULT of Canelo's Punches Causes MORE of an EFFECT than the End Result of Cotto's Punches...& it's NOT a Matter of Size... REED:hammert:
The obvious ear-muffer that came to mind for me was Michael Watson. He used the tactic a lot and he was a LOT better than Khan and other modern day box-bots. MTF
I don't mind open scoring per se. I see it as no less or more useless than conventional scoring. IMO both SD and Hut are right; in some cases it causes the fighter in front to coast which rather spoils the last four rounds but on the other hand there are occasions where the fighter who is behind rallies when he realises how far behind he is. A great example of the latter is Froch v Taylor. MTF
The fuck? Sounds like all tape of the second half was destroyed by advocates of open scoring. What a disgrace it was, Hut. Ill see what I can find for you after work.
:: Taylor is pretty much the only top professional fighter I can think of who wouldn't be able to run and spoil his way through four rounds.
Gee, duh, there are examples of fights where open scoring could have been a benefit. Everyone on this site knows or should be able to figure out with about 20 seconds of deliberation that these are exceptions. Open scoring sucks.
They are, you're just too dumb to understand why. A smaller guy with good punching technique won't hit as hard as a much bigger guy with only decent punching technique. A smaller guy with good punching technique won't hit as hard as a couple-of-divisions-bigger guy with comparable punching technique. It's not rocket science, but neither is tying your shoelaces and you're still a velcro-wearing motherfucker.
I think what he is saying is they are both fighting at 154 now, and Canelo hits harder then Cotto and 154. End of story. Other arguments about technique, prior weight classes, natural fighting weight, etc... are irrelevant. If they are both in the same ring, fighting each other in the weight class they are presently fighting in, Canelo is the harder puncher, period. Everything else is just white noise.
even the great first ballot hall of famer Marcellus Johnson was compelled to coast the last few rounds after hearing he was up 8-0 vs rantanachai vorapin during an open scoring bout.
He probably does, except I said I didn't mind it so now he has carte blanche to start a little crusade about it being shit. Whatever I say he just contradicts nowadays because he is an absolute ball-bag. MTF
If Teddy Atlas or The Ring magazine were on a crusade against open scoring, he'd be on here singing its praises and railing against the stupidity of Atlas and The Ring and me and steve_dave
Nah, it wasn't. Rewatching it now. Forgot how good this fight was. Considering Froch's CV over the past few years this win has become underrated. This was probably the best fight JT ever fought. He was sharp in there, but Froch wore him down. Exciting bout.
Really. Why on earth did I think it was? :doh: That's odd, I was sure I discussed the open scoring thing on here. Agreed on the fight itself; a real good watch with lots of replay value. MTF
After the 9th, Froch's corner was telling him he was "..probably down a couple points.." - they didn't know the score. They just knew Froch needed to close the show because JT was really laying it on him early. Good stuff.
Let me join the majority when I say that the opinion of either of you two stupid fucks has nothing to do with my own or the opinions I choose to express. meetthefeebles, i think of you as a harmless dipshit who I don't dislike or like, but who has some pretty stupid opinions and your dislike of me for my opinions is cute. cdogg, i think of you as one of the stupidest pieces of shit i've ever run across on the internet. With your obnoxious single emoticon posts that you make constantly, your suck up cocksucking with certain posters and topics (the 70's and 80's were the best!! emoticon), your ongoing obsession with using homosexuality as a slur (Dumbfuck, it's okay if you come out of the closet. It's 2013, no one cares), your pussy attitude (like me, mommy) and your banal 'insights', you truly are a worthless piece of shit. Atlas, The Ring, and you are a trifetta of being wrong. steve_dave? Let him fight his own fights. He certainly doesn't need your bitch ass defending him. To think that I change my opinions to align or disalign with anyone else's just means you know fuck all about me. Guess what? I don't care. Hell, I wish I knew less about you.
I don't dislike you. I genuinely couldn't care less about you. You are just the doofy little plum who thinks his opinions are facts, whose opinions are ordinarily at odds with any right thinking individual and which are quite often derived from boxrec. Being called a 'stupid fuck' by the forum's most recognisable imbecile is neither here nor there so far as I am concerned. MTF
Floyd gave Cotto a tougher fight than Cotto gave Floyd. Cotto could've easily been stopped in the 12th. His schedule before Floyd wasn't exactly full of cakewalks, either (Pac, Margarito, tough fight w/ Clottey..)
Canelo needs to really improve his conditioning. He obviously boxed and moved alot in this fight to avoid and land on Trout. But he was gassed at the end. he is coming along though.