When he's not stopping guys everyone is saying "he's lost the fire" It's not like he's knocking everyone dead.
For the record, I am not arguing that Manny is clean. I just don't know if he is or not and I'm not going to accuse the guy when there is no evidence of it.
He Knocked Hatton DEAD w/SINGLE Shots...He TRADED w/& ATE Shots from Miguel Cotto w/Out Flinching...All This After DRASTICALLY Moving Up in Weight, @ 30 Years of Age, No Less.... If You Can't Admit that @ the Very Least, Pac PROBABLY Juiced, You're BLIND, Z.... REED:mj:
Not the Way a "Smaller" Guy Should've Been...Pac RARELY, if Ever Gave Ground vs. Cotto.... He was NEVER Hurt, Buzzed or Even Remotely Close to Being Dropped.... REED:mj:
He wasn't close to being dropped, but he was hurt, make no mistake about it. He fights fire with fire which for him usually works out.
Let's see, of the other 6 fights: - Mosley & Clottey both came just to survive - the Margarito fight DEFINITELY should have been stopped, he beat the living shit out of Margarito & as scrubby as Marg is, he is a massive welter - Two fights were against Marquez (self-explanatory) So we're left with the Bradley fight, where Pacquiao appeared to cruise & carry Bradley for much of the fight. Looked like a sparring session.
Honestly my perception was that he basically walked through Cotto's shots. At the time I was like wtf :twitch:
Actually a good dentist will ensure very little pain during a root canal. A tattoo is not more painful than bloods. In fact a lotta people enjoy the sensation. I agree Pac's excuse is pretty lame but you cant say a tattoo is more painful
A tattoo is way more painful than getting your blood drawn. You are getting a set of needles scraped across your skin for hours at a time. A blood draw takes like 10 seconds and you barely even feel it.
I can and I will... I know tons of people with tattoos, you are the first I have encountered who thinks getting a shot is more painful than getting a tattoo or that getting a shot is even painful to begin with
seriously... how is TKO getting his blood drawn, via Stevie Wonder stabbing him repeatedly with a straw?
Girls don't count. I have a tattoo and it was not painful at all. I also know people who are freaked out with the thought of a blood test yet have no issue with tattoos. I guess it depends on the person, how easy it is to find a vain and where you get the tattoo
Just as an aside, we are talking about a professional fighter, someone who routinely has to get medical exams... Any of you think nobody has done bloodwork on Manny Pacquiao the last 15 years? Anybody think he's never gotten an immunization of some sort? You think they said "you know what, we can skip the bloodwork and the shots... you are afraid of needles"? The needles excuse is complete bullshit
I have a tattoo on my chest like Manny does(mine is bigger and not as shitty though) and it hurt like a mother fucker. It one of the most painful places to get a tattoo. I've also had my blood drawn 25 times in a day before and it was not even close to the pain of getting a tattoo.
I am talking about guys, too... I've never heard anyone say "yeah, that blood draw was way worse than having someone hammer my skin with a pointy stick for an hour" Simply by looking at Manny's arms, it is very clear that finding a vein would be easy
So I believe. I'm not defending his excuse, its pretty lame. However like I said previously I know guys who have no issue getting tattoo work but freak out on the bloods. It's probably the thought of extraction more than anything else.
Look at you little white bitch... scared of the real man... I'll fuck you til you love me, faggot... you wouldn't last ten seconds in my world... I'mma make you my girlfriend, make you kiss me wit those big lips
VALID Point... Fighting Primarily in Vegas, Manny's Getting Bloodwork Done YEARLY, @ the Absolute Worst...Every 6 Months, in Some Instances...There ISN'T a Boxing Commission in the U.S. that'll Let a Guy Compete w/Out YEARLY Bloodwork... REED:mj:
Afraid of needles really was an abysmal excuse, forget tattoos etc that's irrelevant, its because we know he has to have blood tests by the commission. Surely before every fight right? He would have been better of just saying "No I don't want to, fuck you".
I would think one's neck muscles would increase in size along with the rest of them while on the gear, no? Certainly that would help in the chin department