I reckon Carl will take him out in the 12th now. Unfortunately no real point in spending cash to bring Ward over to England, he's way too slick for Farmer and his primitive seed rotation.
As ridiculous as Jimm Watts score card is, I think 7-2 is really wide. It's been a close fight in large parts, with Froch winning his rounds bigger.
I just gave Kessler the 10th, Froch didn't do a whole load and missed like hell, Ring Generalship has to come into it at some point. You don't win rounds by swinging and missing, no matter how much you are coming forward.
He's looked that way since the end of the 4th. In reality, he is in control, but thus far has been too tired, and Kess has been too dogged, for Froch to end it---- Yet.
Froch buckled there. Froch cut and buckled. I still give the round to Froch for basically not dying in there.
damn. kessler needs to pour on in the 12th. i have him down 7-4, but who knows what the judges have. it could be possibly 6-5.
Looks like Kessler caught him high on the head with his forearm and thats what did the damage. Froch will probably win this regardless, too little too late from Kessler.
Froch is a dirty cunt. he threw a cluster of low blows there that hurt Kessler. Froch won the 12th and the fight. Shut up Jimm Watt.
In any event, Ward will walk through Froch if for no other reason than Froch has more miles on his clock than his tractor does.