Yeah, he's a good guy, but there is going to be a zero tolerance policy in effect for anyone that makes any sort of disparaging remarks (jokingly or otherwise) pertaining to subjects like that. I want to bring in folks from all walks of life, all religions and sexual orientations on board is all. There is an untapped market out there as a lot of people are basically afraid to post on combat sports sites and other sports sites for fear of retaliation by cowardly smack typers for posting their personal views on the above matters, and all I am saying is that it won't be permitted (and isn't) on the sites I am involved in. If I could, I would like to bring everyone here to a place that they can call home on the internet, but a handful will not be permitted to post or register in restricted areas due to acting like jerks.
Of course I can't read what this jealous loser typed below my post, but he is one of the individuals that will not be allowed on site, I assure you that, folks so you won't have to be concerned about him messing things up there as he is a non-issue. A former number one ranked contender and Olympic boxing coach has come aboard with me for some exciting upcoming stuff which I'll be posting up here shortly, and you folks that are accepted are gonna be granted an opportunity the likes that has never been seen before on boxing websites that will do you a whole lot of good and give you a boxing/life experience that you can tell your grandchildren about.
Except of course that Froch and Joe are career 168lbers,with precisely two fights at 175lb between them, whilst Cleverley is a career 175lber. MTF
BTW, I'm far from sold on Cleverly beating Froch at this point. Nathan has been something of a disappointment for the last two years or so and has fought practically no-one of note yet; certainly no-one that I look at and think it shows as a pointing that he is likely to beat the farmer. MTF
oh yeah? well I'm starting my OWN website and YOU'RE not invited!! na na na nana stinger isn't invited to my awesome cool website which doesn't exist yet, hahaha what a LOSER
I will totally sign up for and troll the fucking dogshit out of it
Like I said before folks, these mutants (look at them cry!) are not going to be allowed on site which will make your experience there a whole lot more enjoyable.
Being realistic though, I don't see Cleverly-Froch happening. Cleverly's with Warren (and is his main asset), and Froch's with Hearn (his main asset).
Yeah if Cleverly's with that glassy eyed prick he won't fight ANYBODY good never mind a Hearn fighter
Fuck that, let them meet at a Floydinho inspired 172 or some other such nonsense. Froch would be analized.