Need to show up on the front page of this site? Double J is always a live body, but first the Haye pic and now this. I'm gonna go back to
Idi Amin told that Juuko fella never to come back to Uganda if he did not beat Mayweather. Juuko promptly got fucked up and then went back to Uganda as that's how bad he is. Idi was said to be cowering in Saudi asking the Israelis to come get him, how afeared he was of Jolting Justin Junkers. Needless to say, Amins fear enhanced not Floyd's legacy, but Roys.
Juuko was a solid contender for a minute there, he certainly couldn't be accused of not trying against Mayweather and Corrales
I heard that he went into a hairdressers and threatened one of Corralles wifes/girlfriends. When Corralles went into the hairdressers, he agreed with Juuko and beat the shit out of the wife.