For as SKILLED as he Is, Marquez has Always Been VERY FLAWED, Defensively...This Bout is Faaaaaaaaaaar from a Foregone Conclusion... If Marquez is OFF the Juice, Bradley OUTWORKS him & Wins a 7-5ish UD, but If Marquez is ON the Juice, Yeah, he More than Likely KO's Bradley Late.... REED:up:
What makes you think Gay Marquez might be off the juice? Thinking he probably won't need it for Braddles? But I agree with you. I'd say a non juiced Marquez, bearing in mind he is 40, is probably a pick em fight with Braddles, with a good chance of getting outworked. I'm guessing Marquez is juiced though, and knocks Braddles TFO.
Bradley's chin may have just been softened up enough (after the Rusky fight) for Marquez to take advantage of.
He has finally figured out which "juice" helps you in the squared circle. The juice he was ingesting for the Mayweather fight was a "bad choice" ala milk on a hot day for Ron Burgundy. If Bradley wants to approach this with the same bravado as he did in the Provodnikov fight, I see Marquez ending the night early like he did against Juan Diaz. Should be a good one though...I like the matchmaking.
True. It will be a chess match for the first couple of rounds but there's gonna be toe to toe action from then on.
a non-juiced JMM would get run out of the ring by Bradley as it stands, even with the juice, this will be a hard fight for JMM
I disagree. Bradley isn't THAT good. I don't see a fighter who got flat out dominated by Pacquiao running someone as good as Marquez out of the ring.
Agreed. Manny had little trouble with Bradley and was still a bit off that night. And, it was a Pacquiao on a downslope. There's no knock from me on Tim Bradley as a fighter, but I haven't seen anything from him that would suggest he "runs Marquez out of the ring". OK, he's got the ass kicking of Alexander on his résumé, but at this point I don't see that as some sort of ringing endorsement. With that said, if Marquez is enhanced in any way and is punching crisply, I can't see Bradley mustering the intestinal fortitude to handle another onslaught like he did in his previous outing. But all things said may be moot, because as Captain Obvious would say..."Steroids give athletes an unfair advantage over the opposition". Just don't get caught.
I couldn't agree more. I've always defended Braddles btw, and considered him underrated. But at elite level he is just a solid workhorse, with excellent toughness and determination. His skill and talent levels are good but unexceptional. Plus his power is average. And yeah, Alexander is a fucking horrible fighter. Timmy is a lot better than the ScrubbyZanders and Peterdudes of the world, but that's not really saying much. Marquez is just a better fighter. Unless he ages overnight, I expect him to stop Braddles.
I hope Bradley beat Marquez......JMM has been riding high since his roid induce KO of let bring that homosexual pee drinking fag back down to earth a bit. Plus he close the door on the Pacquiao saga....not sure if Pacquiao really wanted another fight..but if he asked for it...bitch ass Marquez shouid give it...unless he thought that KO was a fluke...
I'm not so certain JMM would walk away from another astronomical payday like that. Roids or not, he bombed the legend the fuck out and is facing a guy who seems extremely ripe at this point. The scorecards play out a bit differently and Bradley has two losses already. I like Bradley, but save for the Alexander whipping, he has been far less than impressive. His ability to fight while concussed however still blows my mind.
Only fighter that has EVER run Marquez out the ring is Floyd. What makes you think Braddles could run ANY version of Marquez out the ring?
Definitely agree with that. Pacquiao has given Marquez 3 shots, it would be a total bitch move if Marquez really doesn't give Pacquiao a chance to redeem the KO.
Yeah that's about the gist of it. And Floyd only dominated because of quite what a one sided style matchup it is.
REED Only Suggested PED's Since they HADN'T Been Mentioned as of Yet, in Regards to this Fight... REED:mj:
I read just the title didn't read the article in fightnews that Bradley wants the drug testing for the fight...not the usual Floyd blood testing..but the test that Donaire takes..
Marquez juiced is the man who fought Pacquiao in each of these last two fights Marquez without it is the same guy getting shook up and backed up by the likes of Katsidis and Juan Diaz 12 pounds south Bradley is bigger, stronger and flat out better than either of those two bums
The fact that He was hurt and pushed back by a pair of lightweight bums before he discovered his new "fitness regimen" Bradley is a pressure guy, a lots-of-leather guy at the end of the day... the same JMM that went in to the ring with Floyd would get mauled and beat up... It may not look as pretty as Floyd made it, but it'd be one-sided nonetheless
Only time Timmy's ever dominated a good fighter was Peterson. And I'm confident in saying that Bradley is no longer the same fighter now that he was in 09. And Peterson is no Marquez, juice or no juice. So no, Bradley ain't dominating ANY version of Marquez. He's not good enough to.
"It'd" is the key word. That was a long ass time ago. You may be right, but Bradley shows more concern in "truths" between the ropes than we can prove about the Marquez "rumors". I like Bradley and I will root for him, but I think he should've taken an easier road after what he just went through. Balls of steel on his part regardless of the outcome.
JMM was nothing at 140+ until he started with this shit... he was weak, fragile... Lamont Peterson was better
NOW, the fight is different and Marquez will likely win, I still don't think it will be easy My point is, without his new "special training", this guy would be the same thing he was a long-ass time ago when he was flabby old man getting the shit beat out of him by Floyd, only older and nobody gets better the closer they get to 40
Any version of Marquez is better than Peterdude. Marquez struggled a bit at lightweight but so what? To be honest I think he took a while to acclimatise to the higher weight. The key point is he found a way to win. Not only that, but he KO'd them all, Casamayor, Katsidis, and Diaz. You must know as well as anyone, history is littered with great fighters that struggle a bit or even lose to not so great fighters, either because they are not big fights, or they are a but burnt out, or styles, or whatever. The funny thing is Marquez didn't even lose. He stopped them all. Any version of Marquez would have beaten someone as average as Peterdude too.
Flabby, ripped or roided, Floyd was kicking his ass that night...regardless. He is old no doubt, and that may prove to be the difference. But in the end, he's got way more left in that tank than Bradley has seen, save for his gift win against Manny. Bradley is really in a lose/lose. He loses the fight and it's "I told you so", and if he wins...Marquez met testing demands and was 187 years old. Bradley's biggest "signature" fight won't be this one, because he can't win this one unless victory is emphatic.