I don't see why Floyd would even take this fight...it's unfair actually to be put into that position...lets see how Floyd handles Canelo first which I think he will very easily unless he gets old all of a sudden which happens to everyone at some point
thing is, I don't think Golovkin is near floyd weight class. He may be technically, but realistically, he's a good 2 divisions bigger than him if not more.
why should he, there's plenty of good fights for him to make at mw. It's Ward who, on the other hand, has run out of options at smw and should seriously think about moving up to lhw
Clogg my brother from another mother.. I know you dream of and love GGG aka the German bum but soon enough he will get totally sodomized and be pouring pilsners in Poland
LOK, what if Gaybox pulled Mayweather's trunks down, superplexed him and then ran his Kazakh snake along Floyd's lips until the white venom came out?