Hard to look good when the guy you are fighting is all defense and no offense... Spinks would have ran, held, all of the stuff he always did, thrown nothing substantial and lost by virtue of the other guy doing the work
delahoya never beat anyone left handed and decent. i see how it is clogg, you wanna toss Alvarez in the same category with tyrell biggs and luis primera. i have sniffed out this agenda of yours.
he's definitely better than Primera:: Biggs sure looked better schooled, however:scared2: It's true he never BEAT anyone left handed and good but he fought one left hander that would take enormous shits on Cory Spinks and it was a competitive fight The question is then, are the years of decline by DLH from 1997 to 2007 enough to offset the enormous difference in class between the GOAT Southpaw (Pete) and Cory Stinks? IMO, not a chance in hell... Spinks would beat the Oscar that Pac fought... Hell, The Hector Camacho that DLH fought might beat the DLH that Pac fought... As for Winky, he would have definitely decisioned Oscar... terrible matchup for Oscar, great matchup for Winky
whitaker was pretty far gone when he fought delahoya as well. i say alvarez beats that coked up version of whitaker who struggled with rivera, hurtado and pestraiv surrounding his beating delahoya.
1. Corrales 2. Hatton 3. Hernandez 4. Alvarez 5. Cotto 6. Castillo II 7. Judah 8. Chavez 9. Mosley 10. DLH If Alvarez ends up having a good career as I expect him to then he will have to rank as one of the best wins of Mayweather as he took his unbeaten record, shut him down being outweighted by about 14 lbs.
In my eyes he lost but a lot of the Fagweather lovers here had Fraud winning 8-4 or 9-3 because he managed to do some shoulder roll sh*t and tip tapping and playing it safe while Oscar was shot to sh*t with no stamina and no jab. He came for the money and barely trained.
I think the easy conquest of India ranks among the British Empire's least impressive victories... what do you think, Hunzy?
Indeed... Musicians never stop learning However, I have perfected the art of clubbing foes over the head with my guitar a la the Honky Tonk Man
Yep. Biggs wasn't all that good and his management got him a title shot as soon as possible to get the payday before he got knocked off by someone who could actually fight. The Ali-Frazier for the 80's media build up it had was a joke.
Biggs just couldn't transfer amateur success into pro success... For all of his boxing ability and his good jab, he got hit a lot
SOLID List... REED Might Alter the Order a Bit & he'd DROP Cotto Altogether... That WASN'T an Impressive Performance, by Floyd Standards & Cotto was PAST his Best...Floyd vs. DeLa Shits on Floyd-Cotto, in Terms of SIGNIFICANCE...Floyd vs. Gatti Shits on Floyd-Cotto, in Terms of Significance AND Impressiveness... REED
cotto was a hall of famer still fighting well, who came in with a solid game plan and mayweather jr gave him a beating. Id have picked that cotto to beat the shit out of delahoya who faced mayweather jr.
Gatti shouldn't be on his top ten list... That was a joke, a total mismatch... Every guy on my list or Neil's list would beat the dogshit out of Gatti It might have been important for him, business-wise, but as a boxing accomplishment it'snot a big deal
Gatti was a "Hall of Fame Fighter Still Fighting Well" Also...He BOOSTED his Mainstream Appeal via the Ward Trilogy, then Wiped his Ass w/Dorin & Leija, just Prior to Floyd... Also, it was Floyd's 1st Time EVER Headlining a PPV & it was on Gatti's Turf...Was Miguel Cotto BETTER than Arturo Gatti???...Obviously...Nonetheless, the Gatti Fight was MORE Important & MORE Impressive... As for DeLa, he had JUST Whipped Mayorga EASIER than Anybody Predicted, Prior to Floyd...Clearly, he was a "Hall of Fame Fighter" Too...The IMPORTANCE of Floyd-DeLa Goes w/Out Saying, as it's THE Highest Selling PPV of All Times... REED
gatti ranks behind corley, ndou, marquez, guerrero, goyo vargas and a few others off the top of my head
im not counting the financial aspect of fights. if so then gatti and delahoya would definitely both be top 5