Being COMPLETELY HONEST, REED was @ Least MILDLY Entertained by ALL of those Dudes You just Noted, Hanz...YOU, Not Sooooo Much...Not Even 1nce... You're NOT Funny to REED @ All... Of the Few Remaining Posters Fightbeat has, You're 1 of THE LEAST Clever or Creative...SERIOUSLY....You Probably Know THE LEAST about Boxing, as Well, as Evidenced by your Postings the FEW Times You Venture to this Side of the Pond...AND You're an Immature, Pussy Starved, Attention WHORE, All the While... Your Posts are Akin to Stepping in CHEWING GUM, Rocking a Brand New Pair of Shoes...No, it Doesn't Really AFFECT you When it's All Said & Done, Still, You'd Rather NOT have to Deal w/It... REED
In real life I'm a lot different. I'm the nicest person in the world. You'll see for yourself when I'm over in Dallas. You'll be shocked wondering "My Goodness, I can't believe how awesome Hanz really is!!!"
Let us know when you are you and REED Can meet up.. I'm going to joke around and we can laugh about the forum...then once we are all friends..I'm going to knock you out and pull down your pants while REED cock slaps you
whitaker was coked up and looked bad against hurtado in the fight prior to that, and imo DLH lost that fight anyway. a prime whitaker would've easily beaten DLH imo. i do think DLH would beat Stinks but my point here primarily relates to my DLH-Pac thread & DLH having problems with southpaws. as a confirmed pac hater and someone who was a fan of DLH's work at 135, i still think he'd lose to Pac at 135. anyway, wrt the actual topic, reading out all the names Floyd has beaten makes you realize how good his resume really is.. in the modern era only Pac & DLH compare
My clever plans hit clean like mayweather's hands, I call hanz' lines peter pan punches cuz they neverland
I already apologized for disrupting your thread in post #47. But when people on here gang up and attack my character for no reason, I have to fight back. I'm not like Bama where I just sit and take it. I ain't like that.