Disagreed on your first point, while Mathysse-Garcia wasn't as fun as I expected, it was still a quality, closely contested fight. And I think right now, both Mathysse and Garcia are better fighters than Canelo by quite a margin (p4p of course). Agreed on your second point though. Canelo caught Floyd with a blind right hand bomb and it had literally zero effect on Floyd. It seemed he had basically no chance to one punch Floyd
I enjoyed the performance, but not the fight. I mean it was obvious after about a minute that Canelo had no chance at all of winning, but it was still fun watching Floyd administer the schooling I guess.
He attracts the spandex crowd. The guy wears tight spandex pants and spandex shirts 10 sizes too small for him all the time. Not just during fights, all the time. Many people find this, combined with his dominant wriggling and wrassling, very alluring.
:: :: I hark back to an evening in July 2011................ :: Who cares if the fight sucked :laugh11:
Fagweather's style is boring as sh*t. If he's so good, why not fight a 6 foot, 160lb guy? He can only fight little guys. Bruce Lee was fighting guys twice his size and kicking their asses while this fag fights midgets, half of them being even smaller than his faggot ass!
Is that it? Is that it? I reckon Haye is a better fighter with more nous in his broken toe than Saul Alvarez has in his entire body, its just too bad his genuine ability to spring a trap is offset by his sheer gutlessness and disdain for the sport.
I think he could be, possibly, one of the worst guys Floyd has every fought, relative to the attention the fight got. With the demise of Tiger Woods, the HW division being foreign owned and the 100m title belonging to a non-American, Floyd could just be in the right place at the right time to cash in on the sporting demands of the American home market. Floyd couldn't attract flies off his own personality, so it makes sense to have uber-cunts like Beiber in tow.
No. Also, Alvarez is better than Wald Pussy. Alvarez has beaten better fighters than Wald Pussy has & has never been knocked out by the sort of bums Wald Pussy has. Also, Wald Pussy is a pussy.
No, but he augments it. Oscar pulled in non-boxing fans off the Latin Lover {he's now the Latin Liver} thing, Floyd cannot do that. So he compensates by proxy, by bringing in Bieber.
Regardless of who is better out of two overhyped bums like Alvarez and Haye, the bigger picture is being ignored Floyd Mayweather put on a dazzling display, the kind that would have made either Sugar Ray smile... His opponent was overmatched and Floyd made sure it was clear he was overmatched by beating the hell out of him with consumate ease in entertaining fashion... Like watching Archie Moore beat somebody up... Aesthetically pleasing wald pussy "fought" like wald pussy against Haye... scared-to-death, clinching like crazy for no reason... If you'd rather watch a mismatch like wald pussy/Haye than a mismatch like Mayweather/Canelo, you're not a fan of boxing
Floyd Successfully Rode the BAD BOY Wave, to PPV Riches & Beiber was Nowhere to Be Found...Beiber's Entered the Fray as Floyd Seems to Be SOFTENING his Image (Post Jail Stint)... It's a STRANGE "Marriage" for Sure, but REED Thinks Beiber Gets MORE Out of Being in Floyd's Fightnight Circle...Makes him Look "EDGY", to his Fanbase... REED
my sister, who never watches boxing, watched the fight with her husband (who also never watches boxing) and I was inundated with text messages asking me to explain this that or the other thing... one of them was "Bieber??? WTF???"