I saw before the fight that the over/under for ppv buys was only 1.75 million. I wonder why it was underestimated so much?
I still don't understand how Floyd is making 30 to 40 million per PPV with buy percentages to boot. Oscar wasn't even making that much.
The fishnet adorned heaux meaux had women watching but his personality as dry as nabisco didnt maximize what coulda been. mayweather jr made minimum 70 mill Saturday
So basically any promoter who can find a strikingly handsome boxer with outstanding skills that acts like an asshole anytime a camera or mic is pointed at him stands to make hundreds of millions.
he doesnt have a rap career to fall back on like you, unfortunately. Panzy is the first homosexual punjabi rapper, he calls himself "Gaynus"
Lets hear your flow Hanzy. What happened to those rap battles of old between Caligula and Neil? I'd like to see Buddy and cdogg duke it out via rap battle, would be like 2 bald men fighting over a comb.
Actually it'd probably go something like this; Cdogg - "skeep-beep de bop-bop beep bop bo-dope skeetle-at-de-op-de-day!!" Buddy - "When we first met, I thought we'd be friends. :: But then we smacktalked, and the friendship ends :: :: I tried my hardest to laugh joke and smile :: :: :: But cdogg refused to be erstwhile" :: :: :: :: Cdogg - "skeep-beep de bop-bop beep bop bo-dope skeetle-at-de-op-de-day!!"
Oscar didn't had the help from social media to properly market his brand. Let's not forget DLH made Floyd when he gave him the shot.
Indeed, it's like the NHL fans praising Gary Bettman for doing a wonderfull job with the NHL because revenue has increased a lot. What they don't realize is that it's pretty much the same for all sports due to social media increasing their visibility. Think about it, prime Tyson barely did a quarter of this when fighting Spinks, yet he was a far far bigger star than Floyd can ever dream of.
Also, it's easier to order PPV these days. So many more people have digital cable or satalite. DLH/Mosley II was the first PPV I ordered at my own house.
Get off the computer and go spend some time with your wife instead of cumming to your Fraud poster in private
I think it would be funny if we eventually found out that Bieber is some sort of closeted,high level boxing historian. He joined IBRO under the pseudonym of "Harold Lederman, is the ghost writer for Tracy Callis at Cyberboxingzone, and sits home watching video of Carlos Monzon and Harold Johnson so he can bring tips back to Floyd at the Mayweather estate. ray:
That's right, Oscar is the true "Kingmaker" in boxing...............................btw, Oscar is the queen in this scenario, in case you didn't connect the dots on that. :bears:
so a cocaine trafficker and a child pornography peddler had a cross dressing blow junkie winning You deviants sure do stick together
Don't forget about Petre, and the 29 of 30 people he had at his fight party who watched it on his 1200 inch plasma.