:l2: God, he was the WORST
Wach > Can Yellow. Wach fight young men. Wach fight fresh people. Can Yellow works for Soylent Green, he fights old Low-Sugar Mosley.
Has Can Yellow? And who cares if he did, its the Yanks that compile that shit in any case. Can Yellow is a fraud and a bum and your country is going down the toilet because people keep buying into bullshit like Can Yellow. The same people that thought Can Yellow was a good opponent probably asked Jesus to remove their kidney stones too.
All told, how many Americans really watched this fight? ... Figure 2.5 million PPV give or take ... Go out on a limb and say an average of 3 people watching for each order... About 7.5 million total viewers... Maybe you go crazy and add another half a million on streams (very generous estimate, since streaming is usually something only hardcore fans do) ... 8 million people is a very liberal estimate According to what I just read on the internet, between 15 and 16.5 million Americans watched this past weekend's edition of Sunday Night Football on NBC... An estimated 23 million watched the Giants/Cowboys game on the first SNF of the season (the week before Mayweather/Alvarez) ... Little perspective here... Yes, it was a successful PPV ... but that is all it was, a successful PPV... "Your country is going down the toilet..." is ridiculous hyperbole... The vast majority of people not only don't know or care about Canelo, they couldn't pick the star of the show (Mayweather) out of a lineup...
Incidentally, what direction is Germany heading in if arenas are filled to watch wald pussy treat an old cruiserweight like Jean-Marc Mormeck as if he were an incendiary device?
Muhammad Ali woulda had the Beatles and Elvis coming into the ring with him and plugging his fights on their twitter Tyson would have had Michael Jackson they woulda made kajillions of dollars in todays money :Thumb: Floyd is making peanuts, relatively
:laugh11: "now i gotta get back to my kickarse party" then he continues to reply to the thread every few minutes over the next hour :atu:
` An incendiary device he was, after he got lit up. What was it, 4 rounds? OH! The Longevity of it all. Why, for a man who rightly reviles the 'Murica, do you respond so rashly everytime an example of Muricanism is given to you??? Klitschkos put on massive shows with loads of pre-fight comping and entertainment. Its part of the attraction. It's not the Puerto Rico day parade.You won't get your head kicked in for fun, and this helps to draw the crowds.
Parts of it were deplorable. Parts of it were brilliant. I was not really all that interested, myself, in fact, more detractors than fans appeared to have tuned in over at Fightbeat Towers.
right now? not much better than it did title fights on free TV used to do numbers not unlike those posted for the football games back when boxing was actually a mainstream, popular sport
you found that shit entertaining? As a boxing fan, you found that more aesthetically pleasing than Floyd lighting up Alvarez... really? We are into pre-fight fluff here now? I thought we were discussing fights?
Why was Can Yellow being lit up? Because he's a gasless box bot with no brains. Again, I'd be obliged if you could show me where I said I found anything more aesthetically pleasing than something else. I really would. You are seeing things again. If you are into actual fights, then do you agree, Haye and Povetkin are better opponents than Pacifica and Can Yellow?
I brought up the actual entertainment value, the artistic value of the fights, I never claimed you did I said if anyone would rather watch wald pussy fight like a terrified woman against a shot cruiserweight nobody than watch Mayweather take that kid to school and back then that person is not a fan of actual boxing You responded to that and here we are For the record, I'm not thrilled with either of those two schmucks any more than I am thrilled with Alvarez... But I know for sure that wald pussy fighting either of them is guaranteed to be boring and include infuriating amounts of clinching