We basically take a Prime Frazier and send him against the versions of the fighters at the time Lennox fought them.. than when Frazier loses, we clone out a new one and so on. So let's say the 1st Frazier gets stopped at Ruddock, the 2nd Frazier don't have to start over against Malcolm and can start at Ruddock etc. This ends at Vitali.
Not that I would necessarily make them favorites, but the only guys on Lennox's resume who would have a chance against Frazier would be Ruddock, Tua, Holyfield and Vitali.
Yeah, the surreal dystopian sci-fi angle is good. An army of fully grown Joe Frazier's emerging from amniotic pouches one after another, Sandy Saddler cross bred with a preying mantis, Tommy Hearns with darkseeker virus
, Remember when Tommy Brooks came over to commiserate with Mercer? And Mercer wasn't having it. I think Mercer thought he could take white heavies. Larry Holmes apparently told him half way thru their fight that "I ain't Tommy Morrison". ::
I read that after Mercer lost to Holmes they asked Ray what he was going to do next. His reply was "learn how to box" ::
I'd give Bruno a chance too, based on his strenght and power, tucker might outjab him to a grueling decision, and even an old tyson might catch Frazier cold. I wouln't make any of them favorite, but they would have a chance. Mccall also is a really strong dude, who hit like a train, and is almost unknockable. He would give frazier fits for sure. Rahman would give him trouble also, since he is so strong. THe hw of the 90-00's were way bigger and stronger than the ones in the 60-70's, and I don't think that joe would be a good fit for that era. I think it would take at least 4 or 5 Frazier to do the job
I actually did think about both those guys, but I don't see them beating Joe. Provide problems because of size and strength? For sure.
:: He didn't give Wlad any credit. Still............he went on to have a great career in MMA. Mercer, on the other hand, retired.