Vitaly iso Good, no doubt about it, but to what extent is a big question mark. His resume is garbage and he did lost to basiucally t he only 2 elite fighters he fought even if, Imo, there's an asterix next to them. He seemed happy to fight garbage too, hec ould have fought Ruiz, Valuev or Rahman and it would have helped his case.
They 3 are garbage, he would have slapped them around and KO'd them. Up until the last couple years only Timo Hoffmann had ever went the distance, Vitali pretty much stopped everyone he fought. And has never even been behind on the cards including the fights that are losses on his record, who else has been as dominant? Wlad is also dominant on the scorecards, but his is by hugging and jabbing where Vitali tries to fight guys, which is more fan friendly, the fight with Corrie Sanders was probably the last great heavyweight fight I've seen other than possibly Brewster V Liahkovich.
Where is Steve Dave? He would usually be on this by now. "And it was then that the fightbeat community, with heavy hearts, recognized the inescapable truth. Far from some minor internet issue, or connectivity problem out on Beaver Pelt Island, Steve Daves absence from the now rampant Klitschko threads meant only one thing............he was dead. Whether an irate, if terminally ill, fitness fanatic, or some jilted ex-boyfriend had done the dastardly deed, will remain forever locked away in the icy confines of Steve's Canadian grave. In his asbsence, the proliferation and dissemination of Soviet Samizdat continued unabashed, and the once comforting Northern Lights seemed to be replaced overnight with a dull, red glow. Now only Murica, and specifically, one particular inhabitant of the Tri State Area, stood between vulnerable, naked, trembling, viriginal Reason, and the all -ravaging, all-pervasive filth from the East. The scene was indeed set for a showdown of Epix proportions. From this tiny, embattled corner of Murica, the cry went out. And the response was swift. The sky went black with showers of glorious, tweeted epistles, hurled from ever corner of the vast, sprawling conflagration of decency and reason that is Murica. And then our hero uttered the magic words..."FUCKING HOLDING"....and the two-headed beast was slain, once and for all".
Coulda woulda shoulda, what guys type when they have nothing useful to say. Lennox Lewis shoulda beat Rahman in the first fight, guess what he got Ko'd!
I don't follow these fyewds very closely but I think Buddy posted pictures of him and he's pissed. He, I, cdogg and Sly now have a cosey wee room on facebook. The Buddy appreciation society and me.
Larry Holmes is recognised as an excellent heavyweight, look at his resume? Same as you can do with any fighter, easy to take a resume apart.
Exactly, and 2 losses (with an asterix but still losses) to the only good fighters he fought. And these 3 may be garbage, but any one of them would have been the best win on his resume and by quite a margine too.
Wlad would beat Vitali. He's a better, faster and more talented boxer. He could easily reach Vitali's eyelids and tear a few gashes with his jab/right hand.
Off topic but i was just watching some old Tyson fights and Mike was fucking BAAAAD 86-88. He really did decline when he left Rooney. This is my totally insightful, original thought for the day :atu: Some tired cliches are just choo.
Vitaly is better than a country mile...Tyson would make Wladimir cry during the stare down....Vitaly would give Tyson some problems...still get beat though. Vitaly would do much better than Wladimir.....against the Holyfield, Lennox, Bowe, Tyson, Holmes...of the boxing world...
against tyson, wald pussy would shit his pants walking to the ring if he was lucky, would see the second round through desperately clutching onto tyson vitali would probably last the distance but lose a wide decision
This is great knowledge!!!! You clearly know the sport...let me give it a go...please tell me if I am doing it wrong......."Mike Spinks was in the crowd crying like a racist cunt when Vitali was beating fuck out of Cappin Kirk Johnson. Irish does not understand this as the legendary Mike Spinks went out like a bitch made cunt in the Tyson fight. Also, Irish does recall Larry Holmes being afraid of Tyson, and saying so" Well, how did I do?