VD faces an interesting choice... He lands those lefts when he throws them, and so far Donaire has missed a lot of times with his counters, but if he gets too greedy he's giving Donaire more chances to change it with one shot I've got it 2-1 Donaire
If Donaire had catch Vic with one of two extra punches in that last 5 seconds...it would been nite nite again...
Vic needs to get inside and stay there...once he is in it turns into a fight...and he has a chance...
Donaire doesn't look like himself, but Kellerman is making it sound like he's post-prime Donald Curry or something
Donaire is a tremendous counter puncher, but he's basically clueless when someone pick his spot against him.
Just looking at Donaire's bitch...makes me hate her...she looks like she owned a few sucky sucky massage parlors...
Now you see why VD was fighting the way he was... There's not a man around in this division that can go after Donaire without getting pasted