Yeah, Bungu is so quality you don't even know his name :: Bungu was not a prime world class fighter. He was moving up in weight, and looked small and shopworn. He lost his next fight after Hamed, and managed to beat one featherweight in his whole career. I can absolutely see fighters objectively and admit their strengths. Hamed could obviously punch, just not as hard as people are making out. He wasn't a true, one punch lights out monster puncher. His biggest strength was being able to hit people with big, loaded up bombs from weird angles, that they simply didn't see coming. That was why the punches had good effect on most fighters. Same with Tito and Tszyu, I can see their strengths. Tito was very powerful and had very crisp, accurate hooks. Brilliant technique on his hooks, even I admire his left hook as a Tito hater. Tszyu had a nice, sharp, straight right hand. Good at leading with it and countering. But that doesn't stop me from thinking all 3 are horrendously overrated, especially Hamed. Even Tito and Tszyu have better resumés than Hamed.
That was a joke, playing on that point. I don't even feel like I dislike Hamed these days as I said, it's been too long since he was shoved in my face and I found him incredibly irritating etc. Now, objectively, I just think he's unbelievably overrated.
I agree on all counts, but on the highlighted bit i personally think the same principle applies, to a lesser extent
You said previously Hamed didn't 1 punch KO anybody, well Berbick, Bruno, Holmes and Thomas all took many shots before being stopped. Well Tyson must be even worse than Hamed he lost to Danny Williams and Kevin freaking McBride.
I said he was a good fighter. By contender I mean he was good enough to hold a belt and good enough to beat some of the mediocre guys he wound up beating. Those were legit wins obviously and the guy did have very good power. However, my point is he was not as good as he was hyped up to be and he most certainly wasn't on the level of the top guys like MAB JMM etc. I mean people like to say he wasn't the same guy when he fought such and such. Blah blah blah. Rewatch the Kevin Kelly fight and see what happens when he tries all that same shit he used to do when he fought the tomato cans on all of his highlight videos. Yeah, he won the fight but people were comparing this guy to Ali before he came to the states. The only thing different about Hamed in the MAB fight was the level of his competition. Also, I can care less that he wasn't humble, just like you never hear me talking shit about Floyd's humility. Talk all the shit you want if you can back it up.
Kelley got fucking slaughtered in that fight:atu: Hamed never appeared actually hurt in that fight at all... Kelley was hurt in every round Tom Johnson? How'd he do? Medina was scared to death Those guys weren't world class when he stomped them? "He wasn't Ali, so he wasn't that good"
REED Never Understood the CONTEMPT for Hamed...The VAST MAJORITY of his Bravado was Tongue in Cheek...He was FUN, as Opposed to Mean Spirited...
Yeah, I know Kelly got beat I had the fight on tape. However he dropped the Prince a couple of times too and Prince would be trying that defensive crap he used to do and would get tagged. Yeah, I know the Prince beat all those guys, I didn't say he wasn't good. I also know some of them were scared of him, particularly Bungu who was scared shitless. And no those guys weren't world class, they were mostly on the backsides of their careers. I'm not saying that's why they lost they were legit wins, but it shows that Hamed wasn't taking a lot of big risks back then. Look I say he isn't that great you say he is. If you want to assume be my guest, but KOing a bunch of contenders, ducking top competition and losing your only top flight fight isn't a sign of greatness to me. And the contempt for Hamed probably came from a bunch of people tired of his shameless ducking. I used to bitch about that shit back at
Kevin Kelley had a Grand Total of 1 Loss when Prince KO'ed him....To Be Exact, his Record was 47-1-2, 32KO's... There was Really NO Evidence of him Being "Past Prime" or Whatever's Being Insinuated, Especially when You Consider How he FOUGHT vs. Hamed...Kelley was ENTHUSED, MOTIVATED, CONFIDENT & MIGHT have Been Right @ 30 years of Age, if That... Prince Picked a Former World Champion, w/the Record REED just Listed, in his American/HBO Debut, & Fought him about 10 Minutes from Where he Grew Up, in his HOMETOWN of New York City...Given This, It's COMICAL to Say Prince "Ducked" People...He Honestly COULDN'T have Picked a TOUGHER Opponent (@ the Time) than Kelley AND he had Made Offers to JM Marquez Before Settling for Augie Sanchez.... REED:hammert:
What made Bungu scared shitless? What made Medina terrified to exchange? What made Soto, a mexican brawler, scared to death? HAMED made them that way... His speed, his power... Was Tom Johnson not one of the best in the world at the weight when Hamed destroyed him? Medina, Johnson, Soto, McCullough? They on the "backsides" of their careers at that time? Fuck no... that's revisionist bullshit Again I ask, how many times was Hamed hurt against Kelley? How'd that end for "The Flushing Flash"? "Shameless Ducking"??? Of whom? Marquez? The same Marquez who could have essentially FORCED the issue by simply winning a fight against Freddie Norwood on HBO and not only FAILED to do so, but looked horrible in one of the worst fights ever... That Hamed's fault, as well? Did JMM get offers to fight Hamed that he turned down or not?
all norwoods fights sucked. not only was the guy the epitome of double L's "stink phylum" but he was dirty as fuck to boot. marquez won that fight anyhow and was ripped off. marquez was never able to force the fight when he was hameds mandatory for several years, i doubt an official W over norwood wouldve helped.
He wasn't even close. He was an awkward puncher who had a style that was perfectly suited to demolishing scrubs, and begging to be exposed against a top fighter - which it eventually was. And just like REED said about Kelley, there was nothing to suggest Hamed was past his best when Barrera schooled him. Just a year before, people were creaming themselves over his left cross KO over Bungu. Hamed would have been exposed against any great/elite fighter in history, he was nowhere near that league.
What was it about the Bungu fight, just a year earlier, that suggested he was past his prime and significantly worse than before?
Of Course it Would've Helped...Norwood-Marquez was ALL about Lining Up the NEXT Guy for Hamed to Face...HBO OPENLY ADMITTED this On-Air...After the Fact, Larry Merchant Said Something to the Effect Of, "The Goal was to Find a New Opponent for the Prince, but I Don't Want to See EITHER of these Guys Fight Again"....The Norwood Fight was Marquez's CARPE DIEM Moment, to Face the Prince...Not to Mention (for the 3rd Time), the Date that Ended Up Being Hamed-Sanchez...
hameds offer to marquez was some last minute bullshit, and it was fairly well known marquez had hurt his hand in the previous fight. which was why he didnt KO the guy. i still think he shouldve taken the hamed fight because he wouldve been able to win even while not being 100%, but it hardly excuses hamed for avoiding the guy, and valcarcel for letting it happen, for 3 full years
Hamed Wasn't Past his Best PHYSICALLY, he was Past his Best MENTALLY...He was Faaaaaaaaaaaar & Away THE Wealthiest Lower Weight Fighter in Boxing History, YEARS PRIOR to Facing Barrera...Just as Kelley was ENTHUSED, MOTIVATED, FOCUSED, etc., to Face Hamed, Prince was Anything BUT that to Face Barrera...How Many Friggin FEATHERWEIGHTS have You Seen w/SOFT Midsections???...Prince was Going Through the Motions, by the Time he Faced Barrera...He was VERY MUCH Like Tyson was, the Night he Fought Buster Douglas...
Juanita Zurita PARROTED that Line Enough Times to Make You BELIEVE it, Huh???...The FACT is, Prince Naseem Hamed Made Offers (PLURAL) to JM Marquez to Fight...Prince WAS NOT Privy to Marquez's Camp & WOULDN'T Know if he was "Hurt" or this or That...Bottom Line, You CAN'T Accuse a Guy of "Ducking" Someone he's LITERALLY Sent Fight Contracts To...Can't Have it BOTH Ways...
fuck juanita zurita. the truth is the truth. marquez hurt his hand against that colombian guy he let go the distance. it was fairly well known. he still shoulda took the fight, but when you got a dumbass like beristain as your manager, shit happens. you can certainly still duck a guy even if you send contracts to face him. the guy was his mandatory for 3 fucking years. did tyson not duck lewis, by paying him step aside money multiple times, since he eventually fought him???
Let's blame Barrera for behaving like a professional and not coming in out of shape so he could give Hamed a better shot at winning. Makes sense to me.
Outside of Lennox, who would you people say is the most naturally talented British-born fighter of the last 30 years? IMO it's clearly between Hamed and Calzaghe.
The CONNOTATION Behind the Word "Duck" is that You're AFRAID of the Guy, which has Been Insinuated in the Case of Hamed-Barrera for DECADES Now...But When You Send a LEGITIMATE Fight Contract to a Guy &/Or You Actually End Up FACING that Guy, the Connotation is DEFECATED Upon...