Yeah he probably does, but by jove I hope Vitor wins. Don't like Weidman, he's just such a dorky jock. There's nothing about him that is likeable. He can fight though, obviously.
Meanwhile, his Dad is the Type of Camera Hungry, Borderline Religious Zealot MOST Seem to Dislike, Around Here...It's 1 Thing to Have a Pre-Fight Prayer, but Weidman's Ol' Man Prayed for VICTORY::...
I guess if you think God gives a shit about your UFC fight, you might as well go all out and ask for a win. :: Weidman should require Belfort to be on the strictest drug testing there is or refuse to fight him. Unjuiced Belfort has no chance; Juiced Belfort has a chance. He's a perfect example of why you guys who aren't against PEDs are so wrong.
Brazilian Vitor could KO the Incredible Hulk nevermind Weidman. They're keeping Blanka over there because the shit he's on would be tolerated anywhere else, there is more juice in Vitor than in a concentration camp. Weidman keeps this shit in the U.S, you don't need to bend over backwards for Vitor, especially since you didn't for Silva.
Vitor has been matched well lately. Weidman beats him regardless of where the fight is held. He takes him down and pounds on him.
Problem is that it seems these days that if Vitor catches someone on the chin, they go down. I still cant believe he beat Rockhold
Fight is in Vegas. Will be interesting to see if Belfort is given his TRT exemption. It's amazing how much better he has gotten lately. He even looked good against jon jones. For a guy his age to keep adding wrinkles to his game the way he has is unheard of.
He's always been that way. That was actually his downfall for sometime. He became so dependent on his (at the time) superior boxing skills that he became a one trick pony. Now that he's adding the kicking to his game and obviously working his bottom ground game, he's more dangerous than ever.
man isnt that the truth hes such a stupid prick. nothing worse that fake modesty and he has it in abundance. ill enjoy seeing him getting stretched. hopefully vitor can take enough drugs to get it done. weidmans team are probably bigger pricks than he is. anyway he should get beat soon, hes slow as shit on his feet
:: AG and PianoDude know the score. And yeah, I agree, he does have that fake modesty in abundance. Godfather is fooled big time. Let's hope they fight in Brazil and Vitor is juiced up to the eyeballs.
REED 4th's that Emotion... FUCK Chris Weidman...Hopefully Belfort's to quik to strng to pwrfl ok bich? read:hammert: