The title says it all: which fighter do you think is more skilled overall? I think Floyd due to Wlad's lack of an inside game.
Floyd is more skilled in certain regards and Wlad is more skilled in others. Floyd is better, overall.
I think a certain magical Cuban wizard has them both beat, hands, I mean literally, with......his......hands..........down. Mystical fucking little gremlin would feint them both into Narnia without throwing a single punch. "It's a shutout", they will say. "Pure Cuban magic" will be shouted from the rooftops. "It's the other guys fault for not throwing punches" shall be the words on everybody's lips, "This middle-aged Caribbean Roy Hobbs, wins rounds with his charisma alone...why should he have to dent his knuckles on the other guys dome?" It's a done deal folks, it's a done deal! :bears:
Wlad dominates his weight class even more than Floyd does, but Floyd has had the tougher competition and thus he ranks ahead. What natural abilities they have and how they use them is meaningless
The answer is obviously Floyd, but as I said above, I think we should concentrate on success more than 'all-around skill'. For example it could be argued that Floyd Patterson was more skilled overall than George Foreman or Muhammad Ali, both of who mostly relied on couple of attributes (Power&chin vs speed, reach and chin) instead of overall skill. And when we concentrate on success, the answer is still Floyd
Largely accurate. In the heavyweights a man can be an absolute pearler of a boxer, with great skills and a fantastic understanding and appreciation of the game and its nuances, and it will count for fuck all if he has one unguarded moment. Chin, a bomb in either mitt and a bit of stamina can carry the day at 200+, it won't work at 147.
Floyd obviously has the greater skillset but the same rules don't apply in the heavyweight division, Klitschko would have no use for a lot of Floyds techniques. This is why I always leave heavyweights off p4p lists, it's a unique division.
NOT EVEN.......Floyd has never come close to getting knock the fuck out by Diego Corrales(Sanders, and that is downgrading Corrales but still..) or Lamon Brewster(Emanuel Augustus)......and Floyd would even more dominant if all he had to face was a bunch of Arturo Gattis, Victoriano Sosa, and Gregorio Vargas's of the world...
Come on.....get a 6'3-6'4" version of FLOYD at heavyweight...and he would dominate that division.... FAT ass over the hill JAMES TONEY was kicking some ass in the division...and his 1/4 the skillset of FLoyd...
:: Floyd at 6'4" and 220lb is an unknown commodity. It's like saying that if I put a bigger engine in my car, it will perform better. False.
In any event there is rare pleasure to be taken from this discussion. Klitschko is like a vampire, everytime he wins the Crucifix of old Garlicky Floyd is dragged out and waved in the general direction of the feared Transylvanian.
There would be no point in a 6ft6 fighter like Wlad trying to do what Floyd does. I didn't see Toney kick the ass of anybody that size either. When you're a tall heavyweight it's been proven the best route to take is to utilise your physical advantages. Lewis did it, the Klitschkos did it and all had success, Bowe gave up his height a lot of the time to fight inside and whilst it made for more exciting fights, look where it left him. Anyway, the division does suck and I'm not a Wlad fan so I'll leave it at that.
His jab would stop working and he couldn't use distance as his defense and since he wouldn't be able to figure out that his tactics wouldn't work being mini-sized and would keep fighting the way he does, he would be a bum
Are you sure now? Or are you just saying that to appease X, Reed, and Dawg?....don't be a pussa....macklemore!