Have not seen it yet, but is it really any different that against Castillo? People are saying this is the blueprint. That's what they said after the Castillo fight. Ortiz and MM both used a headbutt to distract Floyd. Bet that won't lose him any rounds again and he will make a big deal before a rematch about headbutts.
You have to give credit to madaina for staying in Floyd ' s chest like no other fighter has. Also he was surprisingly effective with his jab. Plus he did a good job of getting floyd out of his rhythm.
My opinion on Canelo is that he's shit. Big and strong, all the talent in the world but a worthless faggot who will never accomplish anything in boxing.
What do you mean accomplish something? The man is a former world champion. Being champ is the biggest accomplishment one can have. And he will win one again. And im not even a fan.
When there is 40 belts per division...its not that great an accomplishment...wbc gold...wbc silver...wba super dupper champion...etc...etc...
With the monster amount of talent he has, that's pathetic. He got a shot at Floyd and what did he do with it?
1. Floyd is clearly past his best. Floyd isn't immune to aging any more than anyone else is. 2. A fighter like Maidana with a relentless style like Maidana's is tailor-made to expose physical shortcomings borne of age 3. Having said that, Floyd figured out how to deal with Maidana & dominated the later rounds. A rematch would pretty much start at round 13 & barring a flukish RJJ/Tarver type KO, he would beat Maidana easily. 4. Amir Khan would give Floyd a tough fight right now. Somewhat like the Floyd of today facing the Judah of the '06 fight, except Khan is bigger and lets his hands go more.
I think Floyd is the same as Pacman in the sense that speed difference is important for him. For Pac, JMM and Morales were difficult opponents because they were able to somehow match Pac's speed (Morales with his reach, JMM with his timing), whereas bigger and stronger guys such as Margarito, Hatton or Clottey were clueless. Floyd too looked extremely good against Canelo, but Maidana's relentless attack was difficult for him at this stage of his career. I think Floyd was at his best at super-featherweight, where he was a big puncher. He has obviously lost his movement some (earlier I thought he chose to stay in pocket more but in this fight it became obvious he doesn't have it anymore) but now he is stronger than when he first came to welterweight. Thus, he will now do better against jr. middles than against welters
Maidana won the last two rounds on the judges cards. I don't think Floyd figured out shit, Maidana got tired and got away from what was working!
Floyd won the fight clearly, i think in my mind I don't like the man, I was hoping Maidana would score the upset, but Floyd won that fight
There were Similarities, but Even Then, Floyd's LEGS were his Biggest Asset...That WASN'T the Case Saturday Night... He Fought Castillo w/a Bum Shoulder, then SCHOOLED Him in the Immediate RE...REED Doesn't Think 2014 Floyd Can Reverse Fortunes vs. Maidana, the Way Lightweight Floyd Did vs. Castillo... REED:hammert:
Floyd's Body Language Immediately After the Fight Tells REED there was UNCERTAINTY in His Mind, as to Who Won... REED Didn't Score the Fight, but Had Maidana WINNING Most of the Early Rounds...Floyd Eeked Out a Round or 2 DECISIVELY, but for the Most Part, the Mid to Latter Rounds were DIFFICULT to Score...Maidana on Floyd's Chest, Beating Up his Arms, Shoulders, etc., and Floyd Landing 1-2 "Ooooh" Shots... REED Would've had NO Problem Whatsoever w/a DRAW...Maidana Didn't BEAT Floyd, Necessarily, but Floyd Damn Sure DIDN'T Beat Maidana Either... REED:hammert:
I had it 116-112... I don't score even rounds, I hate even rounds... I could conceivably give an extra point to Maidana and make it 116-113, but I don't see any way he won that fight... He just did better than expected
I was surprised as many people thought Maidana won or drew Some people I expected to insist Maidana won, mainly because they dislike Floyd for being what they consider a "nagger" ... But it hasn't been just people like that... some reasonable folks think he won/drew
i wasnt sure who won either, but that is because i didnt score the fight. When i scored the fight the next day, i had Floyd up by 3
Floyd also landed 54% of his punches and 65% of his power punches. That's pretty incredible. Compare to Cotto were money only landed 26% overall and 34% power shots. And somehow this is considered regression?
But EVEN Rounds are a PART of Boxing, Bro...If NEITHER Man Won a Particular Round, the Only FAIR Way to Score it is 10-10... wRONg KING's Chavez-Whittaker Card, 2 Rounds Apiece w/8 Even, was ABSURD...But Having Said That, it's Not Inconceivable for a Given Bout to Have 2 Even Rounds...DeLa was the King (Queen?) of Bouts w/Even, Hard to Score Rounds... If You Simply REFUSE to Score a Round EVEN, You're Then OVER Crediting 1 Guy & UNDER Crediting the Other... REED:hammert:
99.9% of rounds, SOMEBODY did better even if it is only a little bit I hate even rounds I think I've scored maybe three or four rounds even in the last 100 or so fights I've scored