Hagler was a DWARF compared to Mike Spinks. Like child sized compared to Spinks. Ward and Kov are roughly the same size.
yeah and moving up 15 pounds is a lot different than moving up 7 to fight a guy you are taller than to begin with
The point was that not challenging fighters above your own weight division can not be considered ducking. Accept it, ELMO!
GREAT Point... The "Next Weightclass" Wasn't a Mere 7 Lbs North, it was MORE than 2wice That... REED:mut:
THE PRINCIPLE IS STILL THE SAME!! YOU ARE NOT "DUCKING" NOR "AVOIDING OPPOSITION" WHEN YOU DO NOT FIGHT GUYS OF BIGGER WEIGHT DIVISION. GOT IT?!?! Roy Jones wasn't ducking anyone when he dominated 168 lbs, either. The fact that he went up to tackle 175 lbs added to his legacy, but it wasn't a MUST for him
I hope ggg doesn't move up. He should stick around at 160, Ko martinez/cotton and then possibly move up. The junior fight is sure to be unfair and fucking Ward...All he does is hold and hit in Oakland.
Is Chumpez Jr still throwing his toys out of his pram because he's not getting paid enough to fight GGG? Anyway, Ward doesn't need to go up a weight class, but it would be a hell lot more interesting if he did. Ward's got limited options at 168. If Groves beats Froch then I'd like to see Ward-Groves.
I hate when bigger guys talk shit about smaller guys.. Terry Norris used to talk shit about Parnell ducking him
If we give a pass to a fighter for not fighting another one a weight class above, then we should be prepared to watch a lot of garbage as the talent pool is clearly diluted all over the (too) numerous weight class. 5 or 7 lbs between weight class is ridiculous, I'd imagine your reaction if, after getting his ass kicked in a street fight, your friend claims it's because the other guy was 5 lbs more than him. But in boxing, it seems to be accepted. Ward has no one left to fight at 168 lbs, he should move up. It's not like if he's a small smw or if he has repeatedly gone up in weight recently. It's especially upsetting since he seems so keen on making opponents come at his weight class (Dawson and now, GGG or Chavez) to have every possible advantages. Add his reluctance to fight anywhere but at home and it's starting to look like cherrypicking.
I hope like Hell that GGG knocks Ward senseless. A type KO where Ward is out cold for 10 mins, and people are standing over him concerned about his safety. But I can't see it. Ward will outbox GGG by a clear margin. Kov has the style to beat Ward.
Speaking of GGG, the Chavez fight is officially dead. The puta Chavez priced himself out, knowing damn well that he was gonna cop a career ending beating. I sometimes hope that Chavez Junior goes out like Diego Corrales, outside the ring I mean.
:: seriously. Chavez is the most detestable most unsympathetic boxer out there. I'd root for just about anyone fighting him.