None of that changes the fact that this was a clear case of abuse, and there is no reason to ever beat a 4 year old that severely. It doesn't matter when it happened, or if he didn't mean for it to be that bad, or if he was sorry he did it, the indisputable fact is Peterson abused a 4 year. And that was the act of a cowardly scumbag. And again with the retarded insistence that I raise his kid. Just because I call out Peterson for being an abusive parent means now I'm now responsible for raising his son? What the hell is wrong with you? TFK
OBVIOUSLY, You have NOfuckingIDEA What "a Clear Case" Is, Dude... The FACT that You & REED Continue to Debate this Matter, the FACT that there's Going to Be a COURT CASE On the Matter & the FACT that there's MILLIONS Of People who SWITCH their Children To This Very Day, FULLY ILLUSTRATES it's Anything BUT a Clear Case...It's Really THAT Simple... What's Wrong w/REED???...What's Wrong w/YOU???...REED Ain't the 1 Morphing Into a Keyboard Version of the Incredible Hulk, Labeling THE Most Physical Running Back Since Earl Campbell a "Coward", All Because You Disagree w/his Method of Disciplining his Children...What's "Cowardly" is Throwing that Label @ a Person, Knowing You Wouldn't DARE Utter it to his Face... You're On the Soap Box, Rocking your "Father of the Year" Cap, Telling Others HOW they Should Raise their Kids, so Yeah, Provide MORE than Just Lip Service about the Shit OR Shut Up...You PRETEND to Have All the Fucking Answers Up Until it's Time to DO Something w/the Child, Who Subsequently Ends Up in Child Protective Services, Which is an Oxymoronic Name, Because Orphanages & Foster Care is Where Child Abuse REALLY Resides... If You're a BETTER Parent than Adrian Peterson, Step Up & BE a Better Parent to his Child OR Let it Go... REED :wack:
It's DOABLE for Sure, Brother Lok... Seattle HAS to Be Favored, Especially @ Home, but "America's Team", YOUR Dallas Cowboys Have the STYLE of Play to Beat the Seahawks... If Richard Sherman THINKS he Can Cover Dez Bryant 1-On-1, he's SADLY Mistaken...More than Anything, REED's Concerned w/the PHYSICALITY Of Seattle's Defense & the Impact of That On Romo & Murray... REED THINKS the Boys Can Win, REED WANTS the Boys to Win (Obviously), but as Loooooooooong as they Come Out of this Game Injury FREE, it's a "Win" of Sorts for "America's Team", YOUR Dallas Cowboys... REED:elmo:
The Broncos Pass Protection has Been ATROCIOUS Thus Faaaaaaaar...Peyton's Been Running for his Life Most of this Half...Worse, his Receivers AREN'T Getting Open... Meanwhile, Geno Smith's Found a New Friend in SVU's Detective Amaro, who Apparently Plays Tight End for the Jets... REED:hammert:
The picture of Peterson's kid with marks from the beating is about as clear of a case as you can get. Of course he gets a court case. When you commit a crime, you get your day in court. And it doesn't matter how many parents beat their kids with switches, it is still abuse. Millions of people drive drunk, it doesn't making driving drunk legal. You keep bringing that up like it actually means anything. Retarded. Even more retarded. For the last time, Peterson's kid is not my responsibility, but that doesn't mean I can't call him out for being an abusive parent when it's clear he is being one. TFK
Anyways, REED's MUCH More Interested in Discussing GAMES Taking Place, than Butting Heads w/You Over a Topic that'll NEVER Be agREED Upon... REED:loser:
Starting to really look like Johnny Football is going to be forced to sit for the 1st season of his career, as long as Hoyer doesn't get hurt. Probably for the best.
Not to speak too soon, but damn the Cowboys are HANGIN with the Super Bowl champs and about to take the lead. These boys ain't playing.
Can't wait to see how fuller matches up with bryant and Calvin Johnson. He pretty much locked up Julio jones with very little help
14-28 Passing, 126yds, 1 INT...2 Carries, 12yds, 1 TD.... Russell Wilson, GAMEfuckingMANAGER!!!.... REED:atu::atu:
What a MAJESTIC Display by "America's Team", YOUR Dallas Cowboys... Seattle's Highly Touted "12th Man" (A Concept they Flat Out STOLE from Texas A & M, who's Called their Fans Likewise for the Last 30 Years) was Rendered SILENT...The Defense DARED Russell Wilson to Beat them, yet he COULDN'T, Richard Sherman had to Resort to TRIPPING Dez Bryant to PREVENT Being Scored On & Pete Carroll's Bitch Ass Even STOPPED Chewing his Ever Present Gum... The Defending World Champion, Seattle Seahawks, Got OWNED on their OWN Homefield...Only their 2nd Home Loss of the Russell Wilson Era...The Boys's had 2 TO's Near OUR End Zone AND a Punt was Blocked for a TD...Nonetheless, we Hung Up 30 on the So Called Best Defense in the League...Ran the Rock DOWN their Fucking Throats & Completed Passes when we NEEDED To... What a BEAUTIFUL Win.... "America's Team", YOUR Dallas Cowboys are 5-1...WOW!!!.... REED:cheer:
I can't comment since I was busy in the Georgia dome watching the bears bears whip the falcons so I missed the game. but Wilson is a player. Maybe the cowgirls are an elite team or maybe he had a bad game. Funny you waited to make reference to that post until he had poor numbers. Otherwise it would've been swept under the proverbial rug. Congrats nonetheless
Hopefully the Cowgirls will go 15-1 and then, in the first round of the playoffs, Phony Homo will toss a couple of pick-sixes, fumble a snap or two and they will be eliminated... They will lose for sure in the playoffs either way, but it would be way more humorous for them to lose after going 15-1
The Defending Champions obviously brought their C GAME, knowing full well that.. well.. Its only the COWGIRLS. Things were going well, but what caught them off guard was the way the Cowgirls rallied around Tony HoMos little cry-fest. Russell the magician was off a step, but mainly the receivers slacked, all game. Nice win, Cowgirls.
That was a great game Really a beating..the boys were slapping the sea COCKS around like bitches. If it weren't for the block punt would have been even a better BEATING THE BOYS are looking good! Raping all cummers
Not Nearly as Funny as YOU, Feeling All High & Mighty, Beating your Chest Over a Career High Rushing Performance by Russell Wilson, vs. a 1-5 Team...A HOME Game vs. a 5-1 Squad is a BETTER Barometer by Which to Measure Him, Is it Not???.... To Be Clear, Wilson CAN Play, but he's Arguably 4th on the List of Reasons Seattle WON the Super Bowl Last Year...1st & Foremost is their DEFENSE, Followed by Beast Mode...From There, it's btwn Percy Harvin or Wilson, Take your Pick...Wilson's a 'Right Place-Right Time" QB, in REED's Opinion...20+ OTHER QB's Could've Accomplished what he Did, w/Seattle's Defense, Marshawn Lynch & Harvin Accompanying Them... REED Only had to "Wait" 6 Days to COUNTER Your Funny w/a Funny, Alshon...Pump the Brakes on the Wilson Looooove, a Bit... REED:hammert: