<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/8kZg_ALxEz0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The FOREskins have Successfully BLITZED, just About EVERY Time "America's Team", YOUR Dallas Cowboys have Faced an OBVIOUS 3rd Down Passing Situation...Moreso, he's Taken HITS Everytime... Now, he Gets KNEED in the Back & PLANTED to the Artificial Surface, on Yet ANOTHER BLITZ on 3rd & Loooooooooooong???..... REED:doh:
Romo DIDN'T Look Good @ All, Walking Back to the Locker Room...Reminiscent of an Old, Beaten Up, KO'ed Prizefighter GIVEN the Luxury of Walking Back to the Locker Room, In Lieu of a Stretcher... REEDff:
If REED Picked Up on the FOREskins Tendency to BLITZ on 3rd & Loooooooooooong, SURELY, a Member of the Coaching Staff Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda???... WORSE, Motherfucker Blitzed & KNEED Romo in the Back, Rushing STRAIGHT UP THE FUCKING MIDDLE of the Line???.... REED:mj:
How Can You Not @ Least Be PREPARED for Colt McCoy, a Player that's ALWAYS Scrambled to Some Degree, THROUGHOUT his College/Pro Career, @ Least PONDERING the Idea of Running the Rock Into the End Zone from 8yds Out???... It's Like we NEVER Saw him Play In College, Which was In Our Fucking BACKYARD of Austin.... REEDalm:
Romo just finished having a panick attack on the sideline worried they'd let 'the backup' do the final drive. They should leave Weeden in IMO.
He was hurt, he'd only put up like 3 points in the game through 2.5 quarters, and the backup QB looked sharp and put up 10 points in 1 quarter. But Romo literally BEGGED his way back into the game to play the final drive, where he promptly fumbled the ball, and 'led' the team to a swift OT loss.
justin durant out for year for cowgirls. thats a big loss. melton played well though, now i finally got a chance to see him play for dallas. too bad bears couldnt keep him
Reed, you're going to have to find a new way to introduce your sorry ass team from now on: http://predominantlyorange.com/2014/07/05/denver-broncos-real-americas-team/
I know, but he was the QB for the series. When Romo took the ball his backs couldn't even get their hands on it before he fumbled it. It's a team sport, so the fact that his RB did a great run is all part of the package. If he couldn't throw, the D would be able to concentrate on the run more.
Either Way, In Spite of REED's Initial Criticism, WELCOME to NFL Fandom & Threads, Bro... Everybody's Loooooooooooove for Their Team BEGAN Somewhere @ Some Point, REED Included...So, As Loooooooong as the Passion for YOUR Team is Genuine, Who Cares if You've Liked them 2-3 Years Or 20-30 Years???... REED was Put Off by your Anti-"America's Team", YOUR Dallas Cowboys Sentiments, but You're Entitled to your Opinion, Regardless How Loooooooooooooong You've Followed the Sport... REED Apologizes for Being a Dick... REED:hammert:
No offense taken! I got out of line with the Cowboy bashing... it was just my innate response to my team getting their ass handed to them. The fact is I actually do like the Cowboys and Tony Romo despite (or because of ?) his flaws. It helps that Murray is on my fantasy team, but regardless I have for some reason always pulled for them, unless they are playing the 'Hawks. I'm not completely new to football, but growing up in Canada my immersion was limited to the occasional game watching the superior form of football played by our US cousins. Now living in Seattle.. yeah I'm a huge fan. I'm still pissed we got rid of Tate who is CLEARLY one of the top receivers in the world. I'm also not a huge Pete Carroll fan from his decision making side, but I appreciate his leadership for the past couple years. Thanks for welcoming me to the club - me and the Mrs (who is also non-'Murican) ALWAYS have 1 mutual agreement when it comes to what we are watching...
Nope, I'm from Vancouver, she's from a country far away that is a bunch of 'assholes'. Let me know if you need a hint...