First one is close because Fenech marauded through the divisions impressively... His comp was so-so, however... Saad crashed terribly but in his prime he was a machine and his comp was fantastic... I wouldn't really argue a pick the other way, but I like the quality of Saad's comp The second one I am basing solely on McGuigan being better at boxing than Ricky Hatton... I would be perfectly fine with someone choosing Hatton on the basis of a longer title reign
yeah, I'd say so... more importantly, he consistently fought better opponents than jackson Jackson's resume is paper thin, especially at 160 where he's got one of the great desperation KOs of all time (Graham) and then absolutely nothing, just one terrible middleweight after another His 154 resume is decent but that's about as far as I'd go Rosario not only has comparable or even better victories but he has superior performances in his defeats... that matters, too
Rosario has as victories Bramble, Viruet (both of these chaps had never been stopped) , Jose Luis Ramirez, Howard Davis, Frankie Randall, Juan Nazario and a late-career KO of Loreto Garza... In defeat, he's got the second classic with JLR and a hotly disputed decision loss to Camacho (which essentially exposed Camacho as a chickenshit frontrunner from there on) Jackson has Norris and the million-to-one against Graham... After that, what? Dennis Milton? Buster Drayton? Thomas tate? He has no "distinguished defeats" on his record... Just decisive losses
Sure, but what about the rest? It's the greatest moment of the guy's career... Winning a fight by KO where you don't struggle is always better than winning one by KO where you do
i say beating a hall of famer is greater than the graham fight. baek and tate were good wins too. not impressed by beating an old viruet and an over rated Ramirez. randall wasnt into dope yet but he was just getting started.
Hall of Famer doesn't mean anything to me, personally. Arturo Gatti is a hall of famer, I think Ramirez and Rosario would both hospitalize him. Randall's career defining victory came years after Rosario bested him. I'd rank Ramirez over Baek and Tate, for sure.
norris is better than anyone rosario beat. or does that win not count cuz norris won the first round?
I think it's debatable, actually... Norris had one of the most artificial, protected careers of anyone that was ever called a "P4P fighter" ... I don't think Norris ever defeated a single really good fighter in the fighter's prime (either in terms of age or weight class)
Saying Rosario was better than Jackson is fine. But there's an argument to be made for Jackson being better. Julian belongs in the hof. Cuevas is in the hof and Jackson was DEFINITELY better than Cuevas.
I have no problem with anyone arguing for Jackson, it's not egregious to me. I just think Rosario was better. I don't agree that Jackson was necessarily better than Cuevas. Cuevas was a great champ. He fell apart, but he had a hell of a run. If Jackson is rated higher, I think it's by a pretty small margin, personally.
Jackson had a much higher skill level than Cuevas. And whilst JJ was hardly a defensive wiz, he wasn't AS easy to hit as Cuevas. On top of that, Jackson beat better fighters.
He should at least be in the Virgin Islands HOF. Maybe that's why he's not in. Because he's not from the u.s., Puerto Rico or mexico. Although obviously there are examples of fighters in there who are not from those countries.
Him being from the Virgin Islands has nothing to do with it. People are just dumb. That fucking bum Gatti is in the HOF. That took away ALL credibility. Jackson belongs. Don Curry belongs. Esteban DeJesus belongs. And much as I hated him, Naz belongs as well. And going by the fact that Gatti is in, then Ray Mancini belongs as well, as he was just as exciting as Gatti and a MUCH better fighter. But Mancini's about to get in this year. Jackson, DeJesus, Curry, and Hamed aren't making it anytime soon. Brian fucking Mitchell is the HOF. Mitchell, a very good and solid fighter, but hardly what I'd consider a great.