Just showed a shot of Sherman... He's still faking the injury. That guy is a smart fucking player. Already trying to get into the Patriots or Colts head.
No, YOU Need to Get Off Bended KNEE, Drinking from the Phallic Phountain of a Guy who LITERALLY Did DICK for 3 Quarters and Roughly 13 Minutes... To CREDIT Wilson for this Win DISCREDITS WHY they Actually Won....Like the "Glorified GAME MANAGER" he Is, Wilson RODEthefuckingBUS as he Team KEPT HIM IN the Game...Not to Mention Marshawn Lynch, the BALLSY Fake FG or the Recovered Onside Kick....But YOU Obviously CAN'T See the Forrest for Russell Wilson's BALLSACK.... Motherfucker is Literally CRYING in his Post Game Interview, but YOU Want to Pretend like he's THE Reason they Won Today???... Fuck Outta Here w/That Bullshit, Homey.... REED:mj:
As a fan of the 80s pistons I saw many many games where Jordan would play like shit for 3 quarters and all of a sudden come crunch time he's making every shot with the game on the line. Wilson is clutch like that As for the fake fg, great call but wouldn't have been necessary if lynch caught that pass prior
C'mon Reed. Give it up. Wilson came up huge when it mattered. He did what great QB's do. Nobody's ever gonna remember the slow start and the INTs, because at the end of the day, they meant nothing. What will be remembered is Wilson throwing a TD pass to cap off one of the great NFL comebacks in post season history. TFK
Not in Dallas...it'll be remembered as the "what Romo would have done if he hadn't lost the week before" game. WWRD - what would Romo do
Russell Wilson is quite possibly the ONLY person on earth who LEGITIMATELY believed Seattle would win that game after the 4th INT late in the game. His mental fortitude is insane.
What is it with delusional Cowboy fans? One of my friends who is a Dallas fan posted this on his facebook.... TFK
Oh C'mon REED, cut your losses man. This hurts to for me to REED this thread. Nobody at any point ever said that Russell Wilson is the ONLY reason the Seahawks win games. He's a damn good QB. Maybe not in the equation for the best who ever lived, but he's damn good, and NO elite QB in history is ever the ONLY reason their team wins games. Drew Brees is still an elite QB............just so happens that he's on a shit team. Don't worry REED. Seahawks window is closing and the salary cap will soon begin to take their toll within 2 years, and you'll be able to gloat all you want. What a crazy fucking game.
Is There a "BANDWAGON Football Fan" Thread???....If So, YOU'RE Front & Center in that Shit, Homeslice.... When the Shit's CONVENIENT, You're a Carolina Fan, Based on Residence...But When they SUCK, You're All of a Sudden a "Bigger Fan of the Packers", All the While Claiming Walter Payton as your "Favorite Football Player"....Soooo WHICH Is It???...You're Basically an NFL SLUT, Riding Any CONVENIENT Dick, No MORE, No LESS.... You're ALL Over the Motherfucking Road, in your Football Fandom & On Cue, You're Now SACK SLURPING Russell Wilson AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TEAM YOU'RE A SO CALLED "FAN" OF...How Fucking PATHETIC is THAT Shit???.... Basically, You're a LAME, HATE Fueled Piece of Shit, Fairweather Fan that Comes on Here to Cheer for Any Team BUT "America's Team", YOUR Dallas Cowboys...The Packers just LOST a Game they SHOULD have Won, yet ALL You Want To Talk About is Russell Wilson's WEAK Ass???..... Again, Fuck OUTTA Here w/that BULLSHIT, Dude...Did You Even WATCH Today's Game???... REED:shit #2:
Has a "Great" QB EVER Won a Playoff Game w/a Rating of 44%???...PLEASE Correct REED if he's Wrong... If Not, Consider Yourself a Russell Wilson NUTHUGGER, by Heaping PRAISE Upon Him After this Afternoon's Game...Dude was Fucking TERRIBLE & Mustering a HANDFUL of Quality Plays, After your DEFENSE has Kept You IN the Game THROUGHOUT, Your Special Teams has Made 2 HUGE Plays AND your RB Plays @ Elite Level, CANNOT Be Looked Over Here... 14-29, 209yds, 1 TD, 4 INT's...7 Carries, 25yds and a TD... Sorry, but NOfuckingPLACE Else, but Russell Wilson Land, is that Considered the Type of QB Performance to BRAG About, Afterwards...But if You Simply CAN'T Resist, Have @ It... REED:shit #2:
No, Not Quite... Even Dilfer DIDN'T Throw 4 INT's or Finish his Conference Championship Game w/a Rating of 44%... REED:mj:
Ok, let's not give any praise to the QB who came up huge when it mattered to lead his team to it's second straight Superbowl appearance. For Wilson to turn it around and come up big after such a terrible start says even more about what he's made out of. Your 'hate Wilson at all costs' ramblings are embarrassing. Man up and give credit where it's due. TFK
WHO KEPT Wilson's Team IN THE FUCKING GAME???...Who KEPT the Lead from Climbing to an INSURMOUNTABLE 35-0 in the 1st Half???... How Did Wilson's DEFENSE Play Today???...How Many DEFENSIVE Stops Did Wilson Make Today???...How Did Wilson's SPECIAL TEAMS Play Today???...How Did Marshawn Lynch, THE Heart & Soul of the Seahawks Offense, Play Today???...You Want to Focus on Wilson when Everybody BUT Wilson Should Be Praised.... If You're Going to Divvy Out CREDIT for Today's Win, Russell Wilson WOULD NOT Be 1st, 2nd OR Even 3rd of that List...& Therein Lies REED's Problem w/the Dude...Waaaaaaaaaaaay Tooooooooo Much CREDIT for Wins...Seattle's Defense KEPT the Game WINNABLE for Wilson to FINALLY Get his Head Out of his Ass & MAKE a Couple Plays...PERIOD... Russell Wilson Most Certainly Did Not "Lead" the Seattle Seahawks ANYWHERE Today...Again, w/Out his DEFENSE, Lynch & 2 HUGE Special Teams Play, Wilson Would Be the Fucking GOAT... WATCH the Game, LOOK @ Wilson's Stats...There's NO 2 Ways About It... REED:mj:
Obviously it's a team effort. But there is no denying Wilson came up huge when it mattered. And that's what great QB's do. TFK
Some QB's are THE Reason their Team Wins, Others MANAGE the Game Well Enough for their Teams to Win... EITHER Approach is Fine, as Looooooooooong as the Bottom Line is WINNING...REED's Point is, Keep the Shit in PROPER PERSPECTIVE... Russell Wilson is a CAPABLE QB for Certain, but Anointing Him a "Great" QB is Bullshit, Especially if TODAY'S Game is Supposed to BOLSTER his Case... REED:mj:
' Alex Smith is a capable QB. Great QB's come up big when it matters. That's what Wilson did today. TFK
REED seems to be taking this Seahawks win ALOT harder than the Cowboys loss. It must be hard though, being at the euphoric heights of joy seeing Wilson struggling to make plays with the team down and the game hopelessly out of reach with a few minutes left on the clock, and then witness more GREATNESS from a QB in a few short minutes than his own teams QB can exhibit throughout an entire career. Wilson is certainly flawed but he has incredible heart and his play rises exponentially with the importance of each moment. At the end of the day, both he and Rodgers had overall weak games with too many INTs, but Wilson did have more passing yards, more rushing yards and a rushing TD, made huge plays when it counted, and played a huge part in making the win happen along with his incredible team.
"REED Thinks he's BAITING The Packers....He Clearly DINGED it, but REED Thinks Sherman is Trying to SUCKER Rodgers @ this Point of the Game... & if it Results in the Packers THROWING @ Sherman & His 2nd Pickoff of the Day, it'll Have Been a BRILLIANT Ploy on his Behalf..." Anything else to add Dr. Phil?
Like Some of You have Said, it's a TEAM Effort. We can ALL Agree on That... But Here's the Thing, for the Seattle Seahawks Yesterday, the DEFENSE was Michael Jordan, Marshawn Lynch was Scottie Pippen, the Special Teams was Horace Grant/Dennis Rodman and Russell Wilson was John Paxson/ Steve Kerr... REED's Issue with Wilson is he Gets "Michael Jordan" CREDIT off of 'John Paxson/Steve Kerr" PRODUCTION....He Very Much Lived Up to REED's "Glorified Game Manager" Moniker, Yesterday.... REED
He certainly managed the hell out of the game the last 3 drives. Reed, do you agree that Troy Aikman was another game manager? He certainly was never the main reason the Cowboys had all that success, and his career stats are pretty pedestrian, but yet he's in the Hall of Fame. TFK
To me, a game manager is a Trent Dilfer, Brad Johnson, Jeff Hostetler type of cat... A guy who can play well enough to win generally but who can't be counted on to make the big play when the chips are down
Troy Aikman Played 20 YEARS Ago, Dude...Completely Different Era of Football... 3,000yds Passing was Pretty Good Back Then...4,000 was Excellent...Those are ROUTINE #'s in Today's NFL... With Michael Irvin, Alvin Harper and Jay Novacek, Not to Mention Aikman's Legendary ACCURACY, he Could have Put Up Bigger #'s... The Winning Formula was to Give the Rock to the NFL's All-Time Leading Rusher 25+ Times per Game... Valiant Effort, but it's Apples and Oranges Comparing Aikman and Wilson... REED
But Like Wilson, All the Names You Listed Won Super Bowls Riding the Coattails of their DEFENSE... REED