Seriously? The "correct way"?
Pretty bizarre thing to say. If nothing else, Floyd does everything correctly, he's one of the most textbook fighters in boxing.
The article seems hackneyed. If Floyd was never taught how to do things correctly then surely the inability to communicate, of the guy who taught him incorrectly, will play into rather than against Floyds interests......:dunno: The article does seem a bit hatcheted, is there a video to go with it............I think that people are trying to fill gaps in the hype here.
“The dad gets so nervous in between rounds, he has trouble getting the words out, he kind of stutters halfway through it, and he doesn’t really get the information across to the fighter. I mean, I’m really happy he’s in the corner because the kid’s going to be fighting by himself," And he doesn't?? :scratcher:
Honestly it wouldn't be a bad idea. I know he's a southpaw and tiny, but his defense is probably even better than Floyd's. It would be great practice against a guy who is ridiculously hard to hit, to practice penetrating an elite defense.
Well the gist of the article is Roach saying that Roger is a better trainer then Floyd Sr.. I don't see how this can be disputed. The rest of it is just fluff.
Hopefully the fight is better than the buildup... Trash talk won't affect Manny so wisely Floyd is saving his saliva... One thing Roach, 7 time trainer of the year by the way, has said correctly is that while Floyd is moving, he sets people up for shots with perfect and accurate timing, either catch and shoot, single pot shots then clinch, so he can set up his single shots again, rinse and repeat, single hard jab to the body to stop forward momentum so he can keep the appropriate range.
Roach reminds me of the kid from Jerry McGuire here <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="480" width="853"></iframe> WTF? :Laugh102::fist:
I don't know but perhaps there is a tiredness of figure dropping...The piece would have been fine if he didn't mention the cost...