You SHOULD Be... He's Facing the DANGEROUS Willie Monroe Jr...Willie Sr. was "The Worm", but GGG's Facing "The MONGOOSE"...Apparently, Jr's a Mixture of his Ol' Man AND the "Ol' Mongoose", Archie Moore... REED's CONCERED for GGG Here, Fellas...Monroe has 6 KO's in 19 Wins, Which Really Says it ALL...GGG Should Be Afraid, VERY Afraid...What Happens when Monroe Chin Checks GGG???...He Could Feel the Wrath of All 6 of those KO's, in 1 Fell Swoop... Monroe's Also Beaten Bryan Vera and Won the ESPN2 Boxcino Tournament...Impressive!!!..GGG May have Bitten Off MORE than he Can Chew & his Braintrust May Come to Regret Picking Such a RISKY Opponent... Intriguing Fight, This... REED:hut:
Definitely a fight to have grave concerns for GGG. He might have to fight past the 4th round. 6 KO'? Wow. That's Paulie Malignnaggi power!
golovkin is the walk out fight. the great roman gonzalez is the headliner, top 3 pound for pound, and waaaay more proven than golovkin. as for the fight i would consider wagering on monroe jr. heard he is 70-1
But Having Said that, GGG's Facing the FEARED Willie Monroe Tomorrow...We Certainly CAN'T Disregard his Chances, Talking about Floyd or Cotto... GGG has a DAUNTING TASK in Front of Him...w/Names like THIS on his Resume, he's All But Guaranteed to Be Jim Lampley's "Fight Game" Fighter of the Year, 1nce Again... REED:up:
Talented fighter who is kinda in the situation mosley was prior to the delahoya fight where no one is anxious to face him. Only difference is he is already a bigger draw than mosley was at that point because he has sharper promotion
Another Difference is, GGG Shows NOfuckingINCLINATION to MOVE UP to Where the Meaningful Competition Is...UNlike Mosley... GGG's Content Ruling the Roost of a SHIT Division...UNlike Mosley... REED:kidcool:
Who's Bellyaching???... REED's EXCITED for this Weekend; Aren't You???...Mayweather-Pacquaio, then Canelo-Kirkland, Topped off w/GGG-Monroe!!!...It Really CAN'T Get Any Better than this, for Boxing Fans... REED:cheer:
He can still make the weight. Mosley couldn't. Delahoya was the money fight for mosley. So he chased it. The money fight for golovkin is alvarez. Clearly
I'm excited yes. Never seen gonzalez in person. The forum will be packed with 12000+ fans Would Kirkland Beat monroe?
Kirkland Disposed of Vera more IMPRESSIVELY than Monroe Did, So Yeah, REED's Comfortable Tabbing Kirkland to Beat Him... REED
You Mean 1 Division? Mosley Could've Campaigned at 140, but he Went to '47 to Face DeLa...Point Being, Instead of Waiting Around for the Mayweather's, Casamayor's, Corrales' and Freitas' to Move Up to '35, Shane Controlled his OWN Destiny and Moved Up to a More Competitive Division... UNlike GGG. REED
Would this situation of GGG compare with a fighter not wanting to travel outlands to face new challenges since he is already recognized as the best of his division? Just wonderin
If You're Referencing the Fighter REED THINKS You Are, the Answer is "HELLfuckingNO"... The Fighter You're Thinking of had ALREADY Won World Titles @ 160, 168 and CLEARED OUT 175, w/the Exception of that 1 Guy, that Flew to America to Watch Him Fight, then Never EVER Dared to Set Foot on U.S. Soil Again... No, GGG's Situation ISN'T the Least Bit Comparable... :nono:
GGG is waiting for a good payday, which he won't get in the upper weights. I understand that from a business perspective, but his bum o' the month show is getting ridiculous. Savage fans loves KO's so he could keep going on until Canelo or Cotto decide to give him the chance (chances are they won't).
This GGG hype show makes me wish Hopkins were still around, at least in his post-Tito form. He would've embarrassed and exposed him in a boring surgeon-like performance.
it seems like eventually alvarez will fight golovkin. if he beats cotto. HBO will certainly be pushing for that fight and its possible it could do over 750k PPVs next year
I'm a big fan of GGG and I kind of empathise with REED's annoyance at the way he has been feted but there really isn't anything out there for him. He's wiped out the only really credible 160lbers willing to fight him. Cotto won't touch him with a bargepole. 168 was loaded five years back but now? Ward is semi-retired, Froch is actually retired, Kessler likewise, Bute got exposed by the farmer, AA is damaged goods... It's hard to fault a guy who has nothing to fight. Even if he moves up, who would he fight? MTF :dunno:
Bika Would've Been a Decent Test, a Shopworn Abraham Would Be a Good 1st Fight @ the Higher Weight, Both Dirrell Brothers are There, Badou Jack Just BEAT 1 of the Dirrell Brothers and is There, Any of the Euros (Sperm, DeGale, Groves) Would Suffice...Even if those Aren't "MONEY" Fights, @ Least GGG Would Be CHALLENGING Himself by Facing Bigger Men... There's BETTER Ways to Pass the Time than Beating Up on Willie Monroe Jr., Who Couldn't Drop REED's 11 Year Old DAUGHTER w/a Sucker Punch...if, If, IF Canelo Fights GGG, the Sooooooonest it Would Be is September of NEXT Year...& if Cotto Upsets Canelo, there's NO Chance of a Middleweight Superfight for GGG... Literally, he's WASTING Time & Being OVERHYPED in the Process...Honestly, REED's NEVER Seen a Fighter Praised Soooooooooo Fucking MUCH for Doing Sooooooooo Fucking LITTLE... REED:hair:
wow. that there is a list of some shitty boring opponents. THOSE are the guys you want to see him fight? bika? :: bika and the dirrell brothers are haymon so HBO wont make those fights. I dunno whether or not these euros would want to fight the guy, Sturm certainly hasnt accepted the bout when it was offered. if he were able to fight haymon guys he could stay at middleweight and face Lara, who would be a better foe than monroe. Im sure both guys would take that fight. youre just naming guys who are not interesting opponents. just guys bigger than monroe that would cost more and who bring the same money or less to the table.
EVERY Name REED Listed is BETTER than the Guy GGG's Fighting Tomorrow Night, a Guy who COULDN'T Punch a Hole in Cotton Candy...THAT'S The Point REED's Making... REED:wack:
I totally agree with Reed's sentiment btw. In this case more than usually though it really seems that most guys mentioned are not willing to face GGG. Abraham is facing Stieglitz for the fourth time, Sturm just lost to a Russian kid and no way either is going to face Golovkin. I am pretty sure the Brits won't either. Dirrels, maybe? It really does seem like Golovkin has trouble of finding good opponents. That being said, SURELY he could find better opponents than these, if he really wanted to. Granted, Badou Jack wouldn't make him any bigger name, but it would be a start compared to Munroe Jr
i dont agree. they are bigger. some are better. and as i pointed out some are not even feasible. lemieux and lee are better foes than most of those clowns