No fuck, right? Jesus, Hopkins faced utterly ATROCIOUS competition for YEARS before he ever got the Tito fight... Hopkins was defending against guys like a corpsed-up Simon Brown and Bo James and Andrew Council and Robert Allen (TWICE no less) ... Even AFTER the Tito fight, he was facing such stalwarts as Morade Hakkar and Carl Daniels (who, if he had a "prime" experienced it years earlier) People have such short memories... Middleweight was a fucking wasteland when Hopkins was there, too
Monroe is sooo big n thick....n dare i say...CUTER than GGG....:stir: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The Hakkar fight is memorable. That was Bernards "Richard Frazier" moment. "YOUNG MAN!! YOU GONNA GET KNOCKED OUT!! I SAID YOUNG MAN!! YOU AINT IN WITH A SHOUT COS ROY. WILL. KILL. YOU.....IT'S FUN GET K-T-F-O, FUN TO GET K-T-F-O.........." <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Monroe REMOVED his Shirt w/Out Having to Re-Adjust his Sunglasses...IMPRESSIVE... KO 2 or 3 Monroe, in a Bodybuilding Competition...KO 3 or 4 GGG, in a Boxing Match... Never Seen Roman "El Chocolatito" Gonzalez Fight, but REED Digs his Nickname... REED:cheer:
What's Funny is, Amongst GGG's Male Concubine Conglomerate are Some that HEAVILY Criticized Roy Jones' Resume, Back in the Day... Yet they have NOfuckingPROBLEM Praising GGG... REED:red:
This is hilarious. It might be one of the worst pieces of shit I have ever seen. In a good way. Obviously this was Jones own prom company that was responsible for this :: :laugh11: Listen to the LOOP of crowd-goes-nuts sound effects. :: :: :: Punch sound effects :: :: I will say this much for GGG nut-riders....they have NEVER, EVER, NOT EVER come along and made some shit like this. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
CONCUSSIVE, Innit???...Instead of "Mongoose", Monroe's Nickname Should Be "Manos de Cinder Block"... REED
Why Would REED Direct Anger Towards Cotto, 1 of THE More Proven Fighters in the Game, Possessor of Quite Possibly THE Best Resume in All of Boxing??? REED
I don't think team Cotto wants a GGG fight but it seems like they might be at least testing the waters against Geale. If he struggles mightily there is no way they take on Golovkin. If he wins impressively however they might like their chances better. On the other hand the pessimist in me feels if he dispatches Geale without too much problem he can use it as further reason not to take the fight. Basically the argument will be "big deal, I beat the same guy he did and I'm not even a true middleweight".
Cotto is on his last legs. He's basically cashing out before retiring with his health intact. He beat a washed out and injured Martinez, big deal. People forget how bad he looked vs Austin Trout.
He's supposed to be the linear champion of 160 right? Why is the linear champion fighting the guy that GGG wiped out in 3 rounds? That's a joke. If Cotto is supposedly the linear MW champion he should be fighting the best fighters, not a guy who just got wiped out in 3. Just shows why the supposed linear title is a joke.
I never seen this Chocalitito guy...but the way his opponenet is reacting to every punch it's like has brass knuckles for fist....
Arguello.....yeah...that's it...he fights a bit like Arguello...tall, straight up(stiff some might say)....NOT as beautiful/refine as Arguello(fighting style/stance/technique,etc.., u homos)....
All over. I saw that Sosa had a KO2 loss on his record and went for it big. Mucho mulo esta noche putas!