Career defining fight??? WHO the fuck is GGG?? Who has he defeated?? Who are GGG top 3 opponents? Macklin, Rosado, Murray?
"You are too good for us, we want to move up and face somebody easy, so you move up first"- Canelo Fans.
It's a fair point, it's kind of seemed like he doesn't even care about getting hit, like he literally can't even be bothered to make the effort to avoid them. You'd have to think against an elite opponent he'd be harder to hit. But yeah, it's not a good habit, he should try and avoid getting hit even against scrubs. And either way, he'd destroy my boy Miggles, and the fat legged Ginger scrub, I honestly can't believe there's ANYONE on this site that thinks otherwise.
Part of this "easy to hit" stuff is him getting bored and sloppy, part of it is perhaps to entice somebody into fighting him. This guy might rack up 20 defences if he keeps going.
Well yeah it is, but the reason I said it's not a good habit is just imagine if that mentality stuck when he eventually fights an elite middleweight or above? He could be so used to taking shots, he'd automatically think "Yeah I'll just walk this guy down and KO him like everyone else, who cares if I take a few". That mentality could come back to bite him big time against a guy with elite offense AND defense, who could simply rack up rounds against him as he's so fixated on walking down and KOing, he's getting outscored. Which is a pretty good advert for not fighting scrubs, it doesn't really teach you anything. I do have faith he'll up his game against an elite fighter though.
Did you guys see his post fight interview last night? He said he wanted to show the opponent (I already forget his name) who's boss in the first couple rounds, then give the crowd a show. I believe him. His D looked excellent early.
Yep, like Barrera, knocking everybodys dick in, becoming more and more flat-footed with every passing fight, until he walks into a big right cross and Abel Sanchez comes running into the ring screaming and waving an apron.
Yeah his interview waas a bit fucking spooky. "My town, my fight, big drama show...big drama show". It was a bit redolent of Vitali's "Corrie Sanders make short-fight explosion" You knew what he meant, even if he wasn't able to actually say it.
Cotto has no chance of beating Mayweather I already watched him lose in a 9-3 type of fight. Who really gives a fuck who needs who. Cotto is supposed to be the linear MW champion is he not? Funny that the supposed MW champion is fighting the guy GGG just blew out in 3. BTW-What exactly is Cotto's career defining win? A past prime Mosley who gave him hell or a guy with shot knees? I went with Martinez but the truth is beating GGG wouldn't be his biggest name win, but it would be his best win considering where the fighters are at in there careers.
Who cares what his top 3 wins are. The FACT is that GGG would be a good sized favorite over Cotto by the oddsmakers and people in general. Cotto beating him would be a career defining fight because of that.
BTW-I am a realist. I think Ward beats GGG but all these guys the same size or smaller aren't beating him. Floyd don't count because that fight will never happen he says he only has a fight left.
Thats just it. Canelo is the same fucking size....he just boils down to 154 to avoid it. Minute GGG is gone, retired, moved up or beaten...Canelo will be ALL OVER 160 like a rash. "Canelo is smaller, Cotto is smaller...Floyd a midget and damned near 40....he needs to pick on somebody his own size.....or bigger" ::
Cotto is smaller but it was his choice to move to 160 so now he needs to act like a champion or move back down to 154. I agree about Canelo, he should be at 160 sooner than later and struggles to make 154.
I said he would have a better shot at beating mayweather than GGG. Not that he would beat him. Also, the fight was closer than 9-3. Yeah, Martinez is his career defining Win. Bad knees or not, most people were picking martinez to win. Hindsight is great. He is fighting Gael to stay busy. Who should he fight? Everyone else had fights coming up.
Anthony, you mean Cotto has a better chance at beating Floyd, only because Floyd will never fight GGG yeah?
I felt that this was GGG most impressive performance.....I wanted to see how did against a fast black fighter with good movement and he passed that test quite easily IMO.....I was very impressed with way he cut the ring off. His defense was quite good in the beginning and he only started getting tagged by Monroe when he was hunting for the early KO. I don't think any fighter in the middle weight or jr middle weight division has a chance against him....i will enjoy watching him clean it out and move to supper middle this guy reminds me a little of Tito Trinidad by the way
I think he won't get the chance to clean out 160, because the guys at 160 are either at 160 and pretending to be at 154, or are at 160 and are pretending to be at 155. In years to come, objective writers will take a giant shit on this era of catchweight horseshit. Also I think GGG is nothing really like Tito, he reminds me more of somebody like Mustapha Hamsho, stance aside. Same sort of physique, a guy who looks like a MW and not much more. Its hard to piegeon hole the guy in.....he's really just his own fighter.
Neither Cotto, nor Canelo is beating GGG, but of the two, I actually would give Ginger a better chance at it. Miguel Cotto's chin is NOT NOT NOT standing up to Golov's power.