Less a week n half left til this one - final thoughts? I'm sticking with Porter by UD. Think he scores a KD along the way. What are the odds for this one, btw? Porter SHOULD be the favorite, but I have a feeling Broner is the favorite (for what reason I dunno). I think it just comes down to Broner doesn't have the pop to keep Porter off, and we know he isn't a consistent mover.
You're saying this because of the weight stipulation? I feel like Porter will be okay weight-wise, because he's allowed to come in at 145. What I AM worried about is Broner getting a gift.
Ehhh, Porter's not that good at all, but Broner's pretty shit above 140. Broner's gonna stand and trade which will be his downfall. I feel he can win if he utilizes proper movement and limits exchanges. Broner DOES have the better technical skills out of the two of them.
I'd say a KO is unlikely, but if either DOES get stopped it'd be Broner. Porter can HURT Broner, that's for sure. Probably can't put him away though.
Porter UD... Naturally BIGGER, STRONGER Man...BUSY Style that Matches Up Well w/Broner's Patient, More Economical Punch Output...Good Enough CHIN to Withstand Whatever the Smaller Broner Hits him w/... More Fan-Friendly than Many Anticipate, but Porter's the Close, yet Clear Winner in the End... REED:mj:
Pick em fight, honestly not sure who wins. Both scrubby as at this level. Slight edge to Porter, through drunk chav activity, and Broner being extra crap. Porter is scrubbier than Broner, but he throws more punches.
Only way I was gonna switch my prediction was if Porter looked dead at the weigh-in. But he looked fine, and yes the re-hydration clause was scrapped by Haymon. Porter is gonna beat Broner's ass.
I'm expecting the referee to screw over Porter and for Broner to win a decision as a result. Hope I'm wrong.
If Broner can cut his Floyd-style crap and box a boring safe fight, he can win. I pick Porter by clear decision though
I'd prefer to see Broner fight more upright with his hand held high instead of that shoulder roll shit he tries. Think that'll work better for him.
He has shown more skill than porter, even vs Taylor in his last fight. Porter hasn't impressed me ever with his skill. And I don't think he has the power to hurt broner badly. It's no sure thing but I slightly favor the asshole
Broner DOES have more skill than Porter. No one can debate that. But he also had more skill than Maidana. Porter can DEFINITELY hurt Broner. He badly hurt Alexander and he knocked Paulie cold. Both those guys have solid chins. Broner's chin is mediocre. It's not horrible, but it's not totally sturdy either. The question is, can Broner hurt Porter?
Broner doesn't hit very hard above lightweight. We're all pretty confident of this unless he proves us wrong. Porter's aggression throughout could be Broner's undoing, unless fatigue becomes a factor which it well could because Porter had to come in at 144. Also, Broner doesn't dedicate 100% of his time to his craft as he balloons in weight outside of the ring so the pace could get to him.
REED's Sticking to his Prediction, Porter UD... REED's Taking Porter's STRENGTH & CONSISTENCY Over Broner's Superior SKILL and TALENT...Porter Takes his Craft MUCH More Seriously... Kevin Durant 1nce Said Something that Applies to This Fight; "Hard Work Beats Talent when Talent Fails to Work Hard"...That Sums Up Broner vs. Porter, in a Nutshell... It'll Be ENTERTAINING & Broner Will have his Moments, but Porter Wins, Close yet CLEAR...Not Sure if Porter will Drop Broner, but he'll OutMAN him, Somewhat Reminiscent to How Maidana Did...A Bout like This Would EASILY Be an HBO or Showtime Main Event, so Kudos to Al Haymon for Bringing it to "Regular" Television... REED:cheer: