Forget her looks, she failed a test and ran from her UFC contract to avoid testing. No concessions should be made for a known cheater that used that criminal advantage to physically assault other fighters her entire career.
Like i said, and really, this cant be disputed. Wanting Cyborg to fight Ronda at 135, when it KILLS her to get to 145 means you want Ronda to have a physical advantage. That 5 pound difference is huge when it comes to cutting weight. Not really a big deal for cyborg. By Ronda not gaining that extra 5 pounds and forcing cyborg down to 135, it reeks of fear.
Cyborg needs the fight more than Rousey does. If she can't make the weight then stop talking about fighting her. It's as simple as that. She needs Rousey for the payday. She's got zero leverage so what what Rousey says, goes. There's little sympathy for a drug cheat.
She said she is doing it. All im saying is that this woman cuts down from 175. I have seen her on video in tears trying to make 145.
And again, you completly are missing the point. First off, the idea that Ronda doesnt need cyborg is ridiculous. How many fighters do you think there are out there? Also, this fight was big because Bethe opened her mouth and beat 2 other horsewoman. There was a storyline there. How many storlines you think are gonna be created? Other than Tate and Cyborg, who else is out there? Also, this idea that people want cyborg at a weight below her best is laughable. Why? Because was caught using steriods? What does that have to do with anything involving killing yourself to make a weight that is not your limit. This is like saying that if Silva & GSP come back to the UFC, that Silva should drop to 170 to and fight since he was caught using PEDs. But prior to that, everyone was talking catchweight. And it wasnt for no damn title, it was to determine who the best was. Make no mistake about it, that even if Cyborg was never caught using PEDs, this weight argument would still be going on from Ronda and the UFC. Ronda wants no part of Cyborg unless she has killed her body to make a weight. And it's so obvious. She will jump to 150 for carano, possibly 160 or 170 for Ali, but not 140? Please!!!!!!
But I don't think the parallel between Rousey and Tyson goes to that extent, Brother Muzse. She's not a mentally weak street urchin who turned to crime and was gradually molded into a great fighter. Her background leads me to think she won't crack mentally the way Tyson did when faced with someone who was unafraid and could fight back with equal resolve. Simply put, she's more than a very talented bully lacking in the resolve department. Fuck, Tyson truly is a tragic figure. D'Amato was too focused on making him a champion in boxing to make him a champion outside the ropes, from what I've read and watched. Rousey is a different kind of person---sure, there's a bully in her, but I think there's more Ali in her than Tyson, and I think that when someone tests her---she's simply going to find a way to win. I don't think she'll shut down like Tyson did against Holyfield. From what I know, this is a kid who has faced adversity all her life and triumphed over it. Ali could be a bully who taunted people sometimes, but I do not think he was psychologically fragile. Rousey doesn't seem to be either. She's a proud, scornful bully, but I haven't seen anything yet that indicates her as being a mentally fragile bully. From what I see, she's growing as a person. The way she welled up when she talked about Rowdy Roddy Piper and her dad watching the fight in Heaven---I think that young woman's spirit is growing right in front of us.
It wouldn't kill her at all It's not like she is shredded at 145, she is in shape and lean but not shredded, She can lose weight and it wouldn't be that hard if she does it right and takes time and be a Beast at 135 That said.. Skills pay the bills and IMO Rousey is in another class.
More like Bigfoot Silva than Wanderlei. Like a pitbull on steroids. As for whether or not Ronda might be on steroids, it's possible---but we should remember she's been doing Judo all her life, and if you tend to put on weight naturally as hefty girls do, Judo can make a naturally hefty girl into a female version of a linebacker. She cuts to 135, but she's a stocky girl when she's not cutting weight. Cyborg has been nailed for drugs---stanozo, the same steroid as Ben Johnson. Ronda did Judo in the Olympics and passed with flying colours. I think we would have heard something by now, yes? There hasn't even been a hint of anything like that as far as I know.
Muze may be a casual fan, but he gets it. No one is holding a gun to Cyborg's head and forcing her to fight 135. She can stay in Invicta at 145 and keep beating girls with sub .500 records. No one is forcing her to give up her steroid-built size advantage. She just can't fight the most popular MMA fighter on the planet if she can't make 135. Sure, weight cutting sucks but there is no more clear, indisputable and criminal advantage than a chick who has essentially pumped herself full steroids.
Comparing Bethe's looks to Cyborg's and looking for a winner is a bleak task. When the selling point is that one looks slightly less manly than the other---well, that's the type of praise they won't be sharing at a UFC press conference. ::
Conversely, people could say, "Why would Rousey fatten up to face a proven drug cheat?" Taking steroids has irrevocably tilted the playing field. Completely drained and weak? She's 5ft8 and makes 145 lbs. Yes, she cuts from 175 to 145, but if she didn't previously take steroids, she wouldn't have that issue. That's not Rousey's fault---it's Justino's and her camp's fault. She knew what she was doing when she was taking the drugs. Rousey is 1 inch shorter and makes weight 10lbs lighter. She wants to defend her belt. So let's think this through together. Rousey, a dominant champ, should take an over-the-weight bout against a proven drug cheat who weighs much more---in part due to that drug use? It's pretty cowardly to roid up, get bigger, call out a smaller champion and then expect that champion to move up in weight. Cyborg signed with the UFC for the fight with Rousey and knows she has to make 135. She made that choice, and now she wants to move the goalposts.
THIS... The Entire Premise of a Fight is to Use Any Perceived ADVANTAGE You Have, to Get Your Opponent Into a Position UNCOMFORTABLE Enough to DEFEAT Them... Ronda Rousey Owes Cris Cyborg NATHAN...Rousey's the Fucking FACE of MMA Right Now & NOT Just Women's MMA, Either...Rightfully, Rousey Should Call EVERY Shot Leading Up to the Opening Bell of a Cyborg Bout...Weight, Split, Venue, EVERYTHING... REED:hammert:
Agreed bigtime. When she wiped that Japanese fighter out in less than a minute, she tested positive for drugs. She was out for over a year. She could have killed that girl, knowing full-well that she had a drug-induced advantage. That's pretty scummy.
Ronda's NOT Obligated to Have Sympathy for Cyborg, Bro... Would it Be BETTER for Cotto to Simply Fight GGG, @ 160, No Less???...Maybe...But Cotto has EVERY Bit of Leverage on GGG, So If/When that Bout Happens, it'll Be at the Weight of Cotto's Choosing...& RIGHTFULLY So... LEVERAGE... Cyborg's Career will Suffer MORE than Ronda's, if the Fight Never Happens...w/Out Question, Cyborg NEEDS the Fight More... REED:hammert:
Yet, many people are holding a gun to Ronda's head to fight her. And again, if she is fighting for the title, i understand dropping to 135. Fighting to determine who the best is? A catchweight should do. GSP/Silva all over again.
You are making tons of assumptions. TONS. And to Say Ronda is fattening up is laughable. Ronda walks around at 150-160 pounds. Im sorry what would the downfall be? cutting less weight? Again, by your logic, If Silva returns and wants to fight GSP, he should have to drop to 170 pounds because he got caught using?
weight, split, venue? This aint boxing man. Ronda doesnt determine any of that. Ronda is not determining the weight, Dana is. Ronda is going along with it. Getting your opponent uncomfortable is fine, when you are fighting for a title. This is to determine who the best WMMA fighter is. no one should be seeking an advantage. You are either a certified badass or you are not.
Again, you are comparing a title to a fight to determine the best. Cotto has a belt that GGG wants. Cyborg could give a fuck about Rousey's belt She has her own. That is the difference. Again, should silva have dropped to 170?
Can someone answer. If Silva and GSP return to fight, should Silva be forced to come down to 170 now that he has tested for positive for PEDs?
The Silva-GSP comparison isn't even in the same universe. Both of those fighters are huge draws by themselves and have already cemented their legacies. Neither needed or needs to concede anything to the other. By the way, as an actual meaningful comparison, neither of them had to beat the other to earn their P4P status. All they had to do was be the best in their weight class. At this point Cyborg's legacy is that she was caught as a PED cheater after years of speculation. Meanwhile Ronda's legacy is that she was the most popular fighter in the sport and revolutionized the way people view women's MMA. No one will be pressuring her to do anything but defend her 135 belt.
Sorry, this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. What does being a huge draw have to do with Legacy? Im shocked an MMA fan even associated the two together. Ronda is a draw because she is in the UFC. If Cyborg was in the UFC, she would be getting talked about too. And silve & GSP both couldnt be p4p #1. one of the was #1 & one of them was #2. Just like in this case with Rousey and Cyborg. They need that fight to determine who the #1 was. And that fight was being talked about and the reason it didnt happen was because GSP did not want to move up. But nobody expected Silva to go down. TO YOU cyborg's legacy is being caught. In that case, that is now Silva's legacy. Or Roy Jones' legacy. Sorry, i dont agree. But let's say I did, you say cyborg's legacy is peds, but then you say Ronda's legacy is popularity. Wow that really is something. Nope. None of that bullshit matters. What matters is that two champions from two different weight divisions is what all of MMA is talking about. We want to see the fight. And if the fight was being done at 135, then i agree, cyborg should make the weight. If it's done at 145, Ronda should cut to 145. But no belt on the line, just a clear cut battle at 140. Both fighters have to make the cut. None of this bullshit about Ronda having to gain weight. Ronda cuts to 135 from 150-160.
Most of them were at least on the juice. Now that UFC implemented the penalty changes we will see how everyone looks. A lot of fighters looking a lot softer already.
She has no belt (that is meaningful). I think weight-wise 140 would be the best option but she is not sitting on that invicta thing thinking - oh yeah that's good enough for me or if she does, she doesn't care about the money Ronda is making, which could be true.
No woman that is 5 fucking 8 should weigh 175lbs. That is just not necessary. He head is Valuev size in that Edgar picture.