Who EXACTLY is "Pretending All is Well and Good" ???...REED Certainly Isn't... REED Merely Illustrated the Way Things HAVE BEEN in Boxing, for @ Least the Last 20-30 YEARS Now...Here's ANOTHER Example; Michael Spinks... Though NEVER a True Heavyweight, Spinks Still Upset an Old, DISINTERESTED Larry Holmes...Months Later the RE, Spinks Gets a GIFT, & Basically RUNS AND HIDES w/the Lineal Heavyweight Championship of the World, Defending Against the Likes of Steffan Tangstad and the Shell of Gerry Cooney.... Nearly 3 FULL YEARS After Upsetting Holmes, Spinks Finally Got Around to Taking that Inevitable Asswhipping from Mike Tyson... Along w/Other Examples REED's Listed, Michael Spinks INDEED "Had it Both Ways"...GGG's Conglomerate of Male Concubines PRETEND this is Unique to Miguel Cotto, When it ISN'T.... REED:mj:
Rank them How You Wish; Vitali and Wladimir were THE 2 Best Heavyweights of their Era...THE 2 Best Heavys of the Current Era NEVER Squared Off... Point Being, "Everybody" Clearly DID NOT "Get their Shot".... REED:mj:
Clearly, YOU Can't See the Proverbial "Forrest" for GGG's Pubic Hairs, Homey...Get OFF Your Fucking Knees & Ask YOURSELF "WHO has GGG Fought to JUSTIFY the Hype and Handjobs You and Others Loooooong to Give Him???".... REED's ONLY Criticism of the Dude has Been his SHITTY Ass Resume and the Overblown Notion that "Nobody Will Fight Him", when Team GGG Uses MANUFACTURED "Drawing Power" & Unjustifiable Catchweights to PREVENT Meaningful Fights from Happening...If Anything, GGG Fans Want it BOTH Ways... Clearly, YOU Like the Taste and View, SOUF' of GGG's Waistline...REED Simply Wants Dude to Actually FIGHT Someone Meaningful, for a Change...If that Makes REED a "Hater" in Your Eyes, Whatever... REED:blah:
What Kellerman said on Saturday nights telecast made it very clear what HBO HOPES to see out of these two matches - Golov vs Canelo. If they both win ( and I think they will) then Golov-Ginger becomes by FAR the biggest fight of 2016. In terms of mainstream appeal at least. The biggest fight of 2016 in terms of importance will be Kov vs Ward. So, only Cotto can ruin these plans, cause LeMoo ain't beating GGG.
Cotto is going to beat Canelo's ass.....and in May 2016 he will rematch Floyd ...Floyd true LAST FIGHT(a defeat)....Floyd doesn't just wanna tie Marciano..he wants to finish 50-0...HBO will pay him insane money for that 50th fight... Canelo vs. GGG can still happen...even with a Canelo defeat.....CANELO is the DRAW anyway....
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_exT4pIz32Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
lookin like it could be Gonzalez vs McWilliams Arroyo and Luis Ortiz vs Stiverne as the main undercard fights.
GGG is the current Acelino Freitas: a seemingly unstoppable KO machine who was extremely hyped by Showtime until he faced the first true legit test in Diego Corrales and was murdered in the process. Showtime immediately let him go after that defeat even though he kept winning against more bums until he faced Juan Diaz.
Quite surprising it surpassed Cotto-Margarito 2. That's a matchup that didn't even require much promotion but still got plenty of hype anyway. We'll have to see what the final numbers are though.
its gonna sell out. Im sure the cotto tickets cost more but still it shows golovkin has a very strong fan base. people from all over the country flying out there for this matchup
heck no. i would love to see gonzalez vs viloria, but mayweather jr vs berto will be a more competitive and entertaining bout than golovkin vs lemieux. going to NY is just a lot more costly for me
Mayweather-Berto more entertaining than GGG-Lemieux? WTFFF??? Gonna be nothing entertaining about watching Floyd pot shot that big head scrub to death.
GGG by KO 2....Lemieux is SHIT...SHIT!!!! he has fought nobody...his best victory is against Rosado....who is also in GGG TOP 3 victories
solid card on paper, but both fights may be one sided beatdowns. viloria has surprised many in the past by upsetting younger guys like segura and marquez, but gonzalez is on another level.
they underestimated the interest and there will be a strong secondary market. but then again, according to you it isnt gonna sell out. only seats left are the cheap seats
they underestimated the interest and there will be a strong secondary market. but then again, according to you it isnt gonna sell out. only seats left are the cheap seats
It's 1 Thing to Say "This is the QUICKEST Selling Fight in MSG History"....What were the PRICES for Tickets to Those Fights???...That is MORE Important...The LIVE GATE will Tell the Story.. To Be CLEAR, 10,000 Peeps THIS Early, in MSG, is Undeniably Impressive...Regardless WHAT Tickets are Priced @... REED:hammert:
Fast ticket sales on a high-profile boxing match is bound to attract the interest of the worlds greatest athlete.............
Might pain REED to hear this but - Golovkin's quickly becoming a bigger star than Cotto ever was. Mainly because he actually has charisma. Well, being white and good doesn't hurt his marketability, but wouldn't be the same with his charisma. Cotto has the personality of a corpse.
Is he? GGG has sold-out MSG 0 times.....GGG has been in a PPV 0 times....GGG has headline 0 PPV's......HBO is going full throttle on the HYPE....yet their golden boy has fought absolutely NOBODY worth a damn.... DLH in the 90's was getting the same HYPE...but at least he was beating QUALITY opponents.....when Lemieux is in your TOP 3 opponents...your resume ain't SHIT!!!... The more time passes...the more it seems like HBO has no interest in putting GGG in with Ward...or anyone who isn't smaller than him.