Reminds me of what someone said recently to Xplosive on another thread that you were involved in recently, something to the effect of "You've covered all bases there". Nah, I'm just voicing the conflict in my head, I'll make an official prediction next week.
Wilfredo Gomez vs. Carlos Zarate and Carlos Zarate vs. Alfonso Zamora Immediately Spring to Mind...But SURELY there's More RECENT Examples???.... REED:dunno:
That's one that came to mind. I would imagine there's got to be others but I suspect it's pretty rare not just for championship bouts, but when both guys have 30 plus fights under their belt each.
I think this fight is going to be great...and I mean great. At the moment I'm on the fence as to who will win, or how long it'll last, but whether it's 3 rounds or 12 rounds, it'll be pure drama while it lasts.
Tito and Vargas had high ko ratios but Vargas didn't have a lot of fights. Cotto and Torres had high ko ratios and around 25 fights. It's GGG-Lemoo is half as good as those were in for a treat. Doubt it though. GGG should bash him up in 6 or 7.
Strawman alert! I was merely pointing out that they have similar styles of fighting. This is not a discussion on who would have won between them.
What are you talking about? In his prime, Benn couldn't even string words together. Lol That guy has always been as dumb as fuck.
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I haven't looked forward to a fight this much in a long time. Phew (wipes sweat from brow). It's going to be Hagler-Hearns for as long as it lasts.
I'm excited for it, but it's not compelling enough for me to be SUPER excited for it, because there's virtually no doubt in the outcome. I'm probably one of the bigger Lemieux fans on the forum, always have been. But he's gonna cop a horrible beating. I think you're looking too far into his chances...
roman gonzalez vs brian viloria is the main event here, folks. these two gringos are the walk out fight. the asian gringo will destroy the french front runner
At the end of the day, I can never bring myself to be more excited about seeing two men who are 5'3, and the weight of an anorexic supermodel over two power punching middleweights. Diaper weights will NEVER EVER be more compelling than middleweights. Granted, Gonzalez is a quality operator, but still...
i dont give a shit about weights. one guy is just a much more skilled fighter to watch than the others. and the bottom line here is there are 3 world class fighters on the card, lemieux is not among the 3.
I think both fights will be one sided. Viloria and LeMoo are gonna get thrashed. Both Golov and Gonzalez are great offensive talents. Just my personal opinion that it's more compelling to watch a normal sized offensive beast over a pygmy.
Yup. And it's always taboo to say that, but it's true. 122 and above I have no problem following and enjoying. 118, you're getting a bit small but I'll still follow. Below 118 is where you start to lose me, unless you're talking about an EXCEPTIONAL EXCEPTIONAL talent. Nobody's gonna be more excited to see Gonzalez over GGG. It's just not realistic. You're talking about a power-puncher who's the size of a toddler vs a power-puncher who's the size of a regular adult male.
Im more excited to watch gonzalez, especially vs a proven world class opponent, unlike the front runner golovkin is facing