Is Floyd to blame for this? Makes me wonder, how many buys will Canelo-Cotto do? I was thinking that it's GUARANTEED to be over a mil, but is that a sure thing??
Nah.... Floyd isn't to blame. What's to blame is the fact that outside of hardcore boxing one has ever heard of GGG. Cotto and Canelo would do BIG numbers. Mexicans and Ricans will be all over that shit.
Golov is no longer a total unknown in the mainstream. I can tell you that from personal experience, as most of my casual fan friends I have at least heard the name. He's definitely not a global star, but I think he's big in NY and LA. If he were walking through Manhattan as we speak, I guarantee you he's getting mobbed for autographs. And you have guys like Stephen A Smith who's the biggest name on ESPN, who's become a GGG groupie, constantly mentioning Golov's name on his show 'First Take'. That's a big platform for casuals to hear his name. KNOWING who he is, and BUYING are two different things. I think your pot shotting hero has turned off many casuals.
GGG ain't fucking Tyson. He can't mint money just by masturbating in The Garden. He needs an opponent, and LeMoo obviously ain't it. Fans knew this ahead of time. This should have never been a PPV to begin with.
XPLOSIVE...and NEIL(not here yet)...FLOYD is NOT to BLAME...COTTO vs. CANELO will do well over a million buys.....the thing is...that like a few others and myself have been trying to tell youse...GGG is NOT A STAR..NOT YET...a lot of HBO HYPE...a lot of YAHOO SPORT hype.....but he isn't a STAR YET.....Maybe in another YEAR...but NOT YET.....Selling out the Garden was NICE....but again how much were those tickets?
THIS... Make NO Mistake, Selling Out the Garden is QUITE Impressive, but Do it MULTIPLE Times, @ NORMAL Ticket Prices 1st, Before the Boxing World Labels You a "Certified Star"...Let's PUMP THE BRAKES a Bit... Pooooor Neil...He was Soooooo GIDDY in Pointing Out GGG-Lemieux Broke MSG's "Merchandising Record", Not That Anybody Else Knew (or CARED) that MSG Had a "Merchandising Record"...w/Only 125 Grand in PPV Sales, this Event Obviously CANNOT Be Labeled a Success, Much to Neil's Dismay... Having Said All That, REED THOROUGHLY Enjoyed the Card... REED:mj:
The STENCH of Floyd Mayweather Definitely DIDN'T Help the Sales of GGG-Lemieux, but REED Doesn't Think it'll have Any Impact on Cotto-Canelo... A Bout between 2 Legitimate STARS in the Sport of Boxing, in what PROMISES to Be a Fan Friendly Affair, Can't Miss... REED:mj:
if it was 125k it is disappointing. earlier 150k was reported and that was a bit disappointing as i expected it to do 200k+. it wasnt the ideal ppv fight, but they needed to put it in that platform to be able to pay lemieux. and even with 125k it seems they didnt lose money on the promotion. i dont think mayweather jr had anything to do with the success (or lack thereof) of this ppv.
Lol yeah the fucking merchandising record. I'm a big Golovkin fan but I was wondering, when has this ever been important? :: You can blame Floyd for a lot of things but I don't think you can blame him for Golovkin not being the star some expected him to be already.
HBO pushed tooo hard....GGG is the DUDE...but he hasn't fought anyone...even..EVEN if he beats Cotto or Canelo next...that will NOT make him a HUGE PPV star..he would probably be in the LEVEL of a Miguel Cotto when it comes to PPVs....350-600K depending on opponent....HE WILL NEVER be PACQUIAO...700-million ppv....or FLoyd Million+ PPV....NEVER!!!!
This is like Panchy posting box office earnings. Who gives a fuck other than people getting returns on it? Do you enjoy a movie more if it set some kind of record? Have you ever hated a film and thought "wow maybe I should rethink it because it made lots of money" Fans know the fights they want to see. Now consumers are going to make the argument for providers on what makes "business sense"? Next time you order a large pizza and get delivered a small remind yourself how much money the owner makes if they keep doing it. They made money. artie:
Shut up Whiskey!!!! Where is my other brother in law cdoggy? Last nite while pillow talking I ask both ur sister n Sara(doggy sister) what going on where is cdiggy....I don't like secrets.....
Casual fans of the sport are pretty ignorant so I am not surprised at all. Buy Mayweather ppv's expecting knockouts but skip golovkin and Kovalev (ppv or no ppv).
hardcore boxing fans knew it wasn't a competitive match going in. GGG fans were the ones drooling over the fight. Floyd was/is popular because of his lifestyle and how he presented himself on social media. Floyd talks like tyson and fights like Bambi. Casual fans found this out when they plunked down their money.
Muzse and REED can dislike Golov all they want, but let's see them defend Cotto and Canelo attempting to pull the biggest duck jobs in history. And yeah, GGG detractors can claim Golov avoided Ward, but at least Golov never fought at a catchweight for the lineal Supermiddleweight championship, then claimed "Ward has to come down. I'm not a supermiddleweight. I mean, yeah, I AM the supermiddleweight champion, but I'm not a supermiddleweight." Cause that's currently what Canelo is doing. The Golov hate is baseless. And I'm sure I'll be called a "groupie" now, but I don't care.
Tripple GGG is popular with hardcore boxing fans, not the casual fan. Unfortunately the Hardcore boxing fans are limited these days. Mayweather was popular with Casual fans
This! Hardcores account for the 125k buys, not the casuals. And the casuals knew what Floyd's fighting style was about as early as the DLH fight. Didn't stop them for buying his fights for 8 more years following the DLH fight.
Have you fallen on your head? I strongly suggest you take a look at my comment in the other GGG thread. Get back at me when you've done that. It's not hate if it's true.
True. I missed that post. So we're on the same page in that regard. Canelo at this point is obviously a middleweight hiding out at not even junior middleweight, but this new division he thinks he's created - junior-ISH middleweight.
What makes it even worse is that the last relevant thing Ward did was stopping the ghost of the light heavyweight champion at a catch weight.
Actually it wasn't even a catch weight. He made the light heavyweight champ come to super middle. Now he wants the middleweight champ to come up to super middle. You'd think this guy was Oscar DLH at the box office.
i knew it wasnt a competitive fight, it was the walkout fight. the gonzalez viloria fight was worth the purchase of the ppv for me and those who watched it here
You clearly stated as much on multiple occasions prior to the fight. That's how the "I'm not interested in diaperweights" convo got started.
I didn't give LeMoo any chance. He never impressed before he lost, he looked shitty in his losses and his status as a contender is based on tko'ing a guy Quillen tko'd, ko'ing a guy Quillen ko'd and dropping a guy a bunch of times that Quillen dropped a bunch times. Quillen's a big old KO punching joke according to most so how is Lemoo a dangerous contender? Anyone that didn't know him and looked him up would see that he lost to the patchwork Mexican that quit against GGG. Who you may recognize as the same raggedy Anselmo that quit against Pavlik. Aside from Cotto and Canelo, Quillen is the only real ppv opponent for GGG but he's with PBC and the Internet police don't seem to like him. It's a shame because casual fans seem to like and vaguely remember Quillen when he fights.
Quillin blows. No skill, horrible defensively, and with a mediocre chin. Golov blasts Quillin in 4, tops.