I'd think if a heterosexual man was so zonked out he was doing gay porn and didn't realize it he'd also be really trippin in the video. Like he'd be fucking a vase or something and they'd have to say "hey man, over here!"
^^^^THIS....BOSS when you find the video..let us no if Yusaf was tripping balls...or if he was squealing n saying "give me that dick Tyrone or give me pipi papi"...
I'm not watching that shit He also said that the people who drugged him and gay raped him , he met them on fb. Unfortunately he can't track them down because he lost his fb password. Yaaaa
According to some intrepid, secure, totally not gay posters on BS he had two thingies in his mouth and chanted "is that all you got!?" While taking it up the bum. Maybe he had flashbacks to his thriller with the legendary Chris Henry.
Poor guy, he probably figured it would be quick $$ and wouldn't make any wave. Now it's all over the news because he claimed he was drugged in doing it (which is in all probability, is bullshit).
Ya he looks super drugged. Plus the middle guy is wearing dog tags. Which makes him a real man not some homo. This is clearly misunderstanding. No homos here move on people. Just men's men bonding over some cock.
"Yeah, I traveled to fuck some people I met on facebook, and I have 10 kids, with multiple women, and I took some drugs and alcohol......................BUT I AM NOT GAY" :: Gayness probably the bottom of the list of things that is wrong with this fucking guy. PS..............how did his hometown folks know he did the film unless they too are hooked into the old Hershey Highway Fun Drive.......:dunno:
"Yet in another problematic accounting of the facts, Mack says the video was filmed in June 2015. However, Rich Juzwiak’s internet sleuthing shows that it was posted in December of 2014." In other words, dude has been showing up to so many cock parties that he can't even keep track.
Reading teh comments on the article is hilarious. The man was sucking cock and did something called "bottomed". LOL I'm assuming bottomed means either giving it up a man's ass or taking it up the ass...either way, it's not the activity you'd usually associate with a boxer that is married and has ten children. Two words: "Suicide Watch"
Thought the same. It quickly spread between "straight" gym members. :: BTW I thought you were gone Irish, nice to see you around you asshole.
I don't want to investigate further but my impression when I've seen that term used is he is the reciever.
I just researched it. Yeah it's being the taker. Curiously they say 92% of gays are bottoms and gays complain that finding a top is difficult. The worlds an endlessly surprising and fascinating place