No he hasnt. He quitted miserably against Brester, when he saw that Lamon was still there after he landed the kitchen sink on him. And he didnt show a lot of courage against Sanders either
I think Khan is on a different level with the chin though. I mean.........Sanders could punch, properly punch, and he couldn't keep WK down. Breidis isn't even a real name.
I know its hard for you to see someone criticize your idol, but everyone with the slightest of boxing knoweldge knows that he clearly quitted against Brewster. As soon as he saw that Brewster was putting the heat on, he threw himself on the canvas and made gay eyes at the ref.
Can Klitschko do this: <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> I don't think so. :nono:
Fury, like Haye before him, has started to retreat into the mist of sham and circus to hide his fears.
I don't think he's reached Haye level yet, but he's getting there. If he absolutely STINKS the place out against Wlad the way that Haye did, Fury will OFFICIALLY lose all his credibility. Moreso than Haye because he's actually BIGGER than Wlad.
I think Fury is very decent and would favor him over Wilder. I get why most wouldn't. Wlad just doesn't seemed to have slipped enough for Fury's size and strength to be a factor right now.
He has more credibility than Buddy Baer and Gerry Cooney and he's got more credibility than GGG and is a better opponent for WK than any of GGG's shit is for GGG. Not a lot but some, and he's a big cunt who is yet to learn how to lose. He did Chisora better than {an old} Vitali did and did Cunningham pretty good too, irrespective of how badly he performed. Cunningham was OUT at the end. On one shot. Nice fucking Narrative that cunts have going here.
:: at Klitschko only wins cos he is bigger and taller. This guy is bigger and taller and younger and heavier. GGG gets a pass for beating the piss out of some fucking french metrosexual but WK gets shit on for fighting Fury ..............welcome to the looking-glass of boxing. Up is down.
Golovkins resume is thin but at least he fights like a heterosexual. wald pussy is facing a guy who cant fight. furry is not among the best 200 fighters on the planet pound for pound. he is a gigantic club fighter. i guess it is about that time where the pre fight spin doctoring begins for you
"Resume is Thin"................guy is a pro for how long and his resume is "Thin"............but Klitschko has cleaned out and unified and I am engaging in "Spin". Fury is a "Giant Club Fighter" but Klitschko, who only wins on size, is not.......but is still shit.......::
wald pussy fights like a faggot. more power to anyone who wants to watch this rubbish, but i wont. unless furry pussy pulls the upset. clearly you are spinning this bum as some type of dangerous foe.
Fury getting dropped like a hot sack of shit by Cunningham would be like GGG getting layed out by Devon Alexander. Except they're closer to the same size and Alexander is closer to prime.
It would be like golovkin getting dropped by Chemito Moreno. furry got hurt by an old cruiser who KOs about 1/3 of his opponents
Matthew Macklin, nearly taken out in the 12th by the brutal Felix Sturm ::<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Martin Murray...............epic bum. Did nothing. Drew with Sturm and lost to the same Martinez that the totally epic 140lb champ Cotto blew out. Who was this other guy then, Marlon Monroe or some shit............ Come on.
Only person spinning here is you. The usual narrative........."He's a bum...........if he loses to this guy, it proves everything we have ever said blah blah", with the nice little side-effect of deflecting from the fact that he is AGAIN facing an undefeated, younger fighter. I can't think of other fighter that has to put up with this shit. FUCK IT........GGG gets a pass for AVOIDING a guy who is a little bit bigger {WARD} but Klitschko gets shit for facing them :: And Ward was wobblezed by some fucking chinny midget.........but GGG is scared of dem 8 pounds :: Fucking GGG fans putting Klitschko down. Call ESPN cos you can't write this shit.
^^ this guy just compared furry to ward :wo: i think ward is a boring cunt as much as the next bloke, but damn. thats a wee bit of a stretch
Nobody compared Ward to Fury. Nobody did any such thing. But GGG is better than WK so what's the difference...........if a bum like Wlad can move up 8 to fight a bum like Fury why can't GGG move up 8 to fight Ward............instead it's Ward who has proposed a move to 175 to fight Kovalev while GGG fights the Worms and Le Moos of this Earth.