Fury vs. Wilder both shit talkers will really bring attention back to boxing heavyweight division.... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JDb-7UD_QP8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Fury is a funny fucker, I'll give him that. If he somehow pulls it off, he would give the heavyweight division some much needed entertainment.
Fury TALKS a Fantastic Game...Already 1 of the More OUTspoken and WELL Spoken Heavyweights Ever...Fury KO1 Wlad in Every Single Bit of Press Footage REED's Seen, but Unfortunately for Tyson, Fights AREN'T Won in the Media... Wlad STRETCHES Fury in 3 or Less...Dude was Dropped HARD, by a Single Shot from a NON-Punching Former Crusierweight...Fury's Tooooooooo BIG of a Target, he's NOT Hard to Fight w/Shots & his Beard Obviously ISN'T All that Sturdy... Wlad MIGHT Have to Weather a Storm or 2 Early, but he WAXES Fury, Ultimately... REED
As limited as Fury may be, the sport of boxing needs guys like him to create interest more than your average boxing forum. If he gets people talking, then it's got to be positive. Your alternative is what's been happening in heavyweight boxing since 2003.
Things you have to factor-in when looking at this fight for Wladimir Klitschko: * Fury has the best KO % of any opponent that Klitschko has fought since Haye 31/2 years ago (and before then, it was Lamon Brewster - who KO'd him) * Fury has a bigger reach than anyone Klitschko has fought * Fury is a naturally bigger guy than Klitschko has fought * Fury is 12 years younger than Klitschko Since Brewster, Klitschko has been utterly shit-scared of anyone, with enough pop to make him take a backward step...
Funny facts btw. Klitshko has been unbeaten for 11 and half years now. He hasn't been "the champion" all that time, but has fought at the top of the division all the time. Only Joe Louis surpasses that, and he took some years off because of the war Also, Klitshko hasn't been down in over a decade, which also is a record for an active heavyweight who has fought at top-10 level. And yes, I know these don't mean anything and there are reasons behind all numbers but still I find these interesting
WTF's the sauna-story at 08:00? <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/T6J6-8asgyY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>
WTF's the sauna-story at 08:00? <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/T6J6-8asgyY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>
fury reminds him of the pasty assholes who used to take his pence as a child and tease him about his hue
Extremely entertaining and riveting video. Better than any HBO "Face-off" that I've seen to date. Both guys seem supremely confident. I don't see even the shadow of self doubt in either of them...especially the champ. Wlad is a very handsome fellow for a boxer I must say (no homo). He looks like Ivan Drago.
You have got to be kidding!? He looks totally and utterly rattled at worst, confused at best...with Fury. You're not good at reading body-language at all.
I'm gonna watch this fight on Saturday, but I simply can't get excited for it. Fury is a circus clown. This is a gonna be a massacre in Wladimira's favor.
Is this fight on standard time...9-10PM eastern USA time...or is it on 3-4pm...is this shit happening in the UK..or somewhere east of the Rhine river? ??
Happy. But it won't happen. The Klit sisters lucked themselves into the most talentless era in heavyweight history.
ill watch spence at noon. then find something better to do rather than see charlo or wald pussy vs furry pussy