::::My goodness. You guys must be into some good, good drugs. I never thought much about Cotto but he would beat the dogshit out Hatton. I don't usually predict kayos but Cotto would stop Hatton any Hatton 2005 or whenever Hatton was at his peak and Cotto stops him and easily. It is impossible to be wrong in a mythical matchup but I think you guys just did that.
pick'em. Cotto hit harder..but IMO Hatton is more durable. Both men were capable of stopping the other and yet it could go the distance.
....in 2008 was doing the same thing he's doing today...licking the sphincter of ALL Floyd opponents...Sure Floyd beat both Cotto and Canelo...but he had an easier time with Canelo DOMINATING him 11-1 or 12-0.... SO just imagine if Canelo is good enough to beat GGG...WOW..that will enhance Floyd legacy...a Floyd victory over GGG by proxy....LEGENDARY...
Someone with a great memory: along with Miguel Cotto, who was the other up-and-coming boxer at this weight 140lb, who years ago, boxing forums constantly said Ricky Hatton wasn't in the same league as? Had problems with making weight, etc :scratcher:
I stick my pick of 7 years ago that Cotto stops him late. There's a difference between wearing down an old, inactive Tszyu who was too faded to handle the pace, and wearing down a another young guy who can handle the pace and just has much better talent and skills. I just don't see Hatton walking through Cotto's combinations and counters all night.
Cotto would've kicked the shit out of Hatton. He was vulnerable at 140 but he was a much better fighter than Hatton. Cotto TKO8
Francisco Bojado? It seemed like most people, including myself, rated Bojado higher than Cotto early on. What a waste of talent Bojado was.
Ah...this is the post Xplosive was referring to on another thread. So i overrate any and every Floyd opponent that he's dominated? Interesting observation. Where did I overrate any of the following: Gatti Corrales Ndou Bruseles Mosley Berto Guerrero Zab Judah Please show me. Speak now or forever shut the fuck up!!
That's the guy - WTF happened to him? You're right with people rating him better than Cotto. Damn, folks were saying he was 'Duranesque'! Almost every time a Brit mentioned Hatton, the Forums were like, "yeah, he has to fight Bojado or Cotto first"
I think Hatton at 140 has an excellent chance. Lean slightly towards Cotto but I could see Hatton taking a close decision. But at 147 Cotto would be too strong.