My {Irish no less} pal had it 8-3 after 11. I had it similar. Fury did nothing. Wlad did a bit more. Shit fight but only one man was there to fight.
Wlad fought like a cunt. It's apparent that fury did indeed get under his skin with all the pre fight antics
He didn't finish the fight like a man who was scared. Fury's best weapons were the rabbit punch and the headbutt. He landed one really good shot that I recall. Posing and running shouldn't win you shit. People are judging Klitschko not on what he did but on what they EXPECTED him to do. Because he didn't do what they expected him to do, his performance is diminished accordingly in their eyes. That's not how you score fights.
This is the part I don't get.................who ran :dunno: People think the guy was losing rounds because he wasn't doing what they wanted him to do or expected him to do. Its the same as when Paul Smith fought AA in Germany..............the same SKY people decided that because Smith hadn't died after 4 rounds that he must, accordingly, be winning the fight. He wasn't losing it as badly as they thought he was. Or losing it how they thought he would. But that doesn't mean he was winning it.
Hmm. I believe you but I have to re-read that thread I remember a few guys saying things like "Gun to my head, I guess I choose Wilder." I thought it was odd I was the only guy confident in Wilder. I knew he was way better than Stiverne. And there were quite a few who said Stiverne by KO. I won a sig bet but the guy never paid up.
I think even earlier than that. Wilder will come right after him and won't let him off the hook. I still can't believe Wlad and how he fought. First couple of rounds, okay he's setting something up. Six rounds later, still doing nothing. Unreal.
Hilarious that Wlad was OUTBOXED by Fury of all people!!! :drl: And when he was down on the cards he didn't have the mentality to go for broke like he would have had to, and that's expected after being so comfortable for years, winning fights with the jab and grab formula and not being used to being down on the cards. I'm just glad the decision was fair.
No matter how you spin it, Fury won the fight. Wlad wasn't doing anything at all. He may have been the one advancing but so what? Trust me I wanted Wlad to win and I wish I could say he did but he didn't. He should have fought every round the way he fought the 12th.
Very hard at 39 to run around after a 27 year old who doesn't really want to engage you......whatever happened to "Beating the Champion".
What was Fury doing..........where you have two guys doing nothing and one of them is doing nothing in reverse...........:: I know who I go with. And Fury got battered in the 12th and had a point off before that...............:dunno:
Klitschko was outboxed by nobody. He landed the better jabs and the better cleaner shots. And he did go for it in the 12th, winning cleanly, despite British TV scoring it for Fury. Again, people are responding to a disparity between what they wanted to see and what they were seeing and allowing it to fool them into thinking that they were seeing something else. If Klitschko was being outjabbed all night then you could say he was outboxed. Fury is Irish, I should be happy that a man of Irish descent has won the title, but I just felt he never even came close to winning that fight.
Klitschko has never loaded his gloves, to say that implicates Manny Steward and I think that is way out of order. It suggests Steward was in on illegals. Klitschko, like Emile Griffith, was more preoccupied with gimmicks and bullshit and cod-ology than he ought to have been, but he still won the fight IMHO.
Bro, Wlad got embarrassed tonight. Fury didn't land much but he landed more than Wlad, and he made him miss his jabs and right hands ALL NIGHT... It wasn't pretty. It sure as hell wasn't artistic. But the FAIR and JUST winner is Tyson Fury. He was the better fighter tonight, though Wlad's age played a major role. He looks like he cannot even pull the trigger anymore. A rematch may be different, but the right man was awarded the decision tonight.
Sure I agree. It wasn't intriguing, it wasn't eventful. But one guy tried to make it, the other guy tried to cod people and succeeded.
Wait............he didn't throw them, or he didn't land them.............which is it :dunno: See....people can't have him missing shots and holding his hands all at the same time :: Putting it in perspective, he won the 12th, clearly, and SKY scored it for Fury :laugh11: There won't be a rematch IMHO. Klitscko has a 5 fight deal with German TV and he can only use that to get back to mandatory status. The question of what options he has over Fury now is what really needs to be raised. In my opinion the title will splinter now as Fury cannot meet all the obligations.
, it seems that seeing his hero lose had terrible consequences for Irish fragile mind. The poor fellow is spewing even more nonsense than usual.