You know what "all you can handle" means, means getting up off the mat, or taking repeated bombs, or being chased into a corner all night, etc.
All claiming, and having it claimed on their behalf, that they would have walked through Wlad on the basis of Fury having refused to even try to do so.
How many hours from work were you by Pubic Transport :: I pay £50 a week for my rent. Hot water optional extra.
It feels so bizarre to wake up on a planet where Tyson fuckin Furry is Heavyweight Champion of the World ::
It is a bit, but I don't see him having a long reign so I'm not that bothered. He'll end up being one of those weird anomalies which occur throughout boxing history. Still hard to believe that's the same bloke who CLEARLY lost to John McDermott ::. I can't knock the guy though, he's shit but he just somehow keeps winning. He's backed up all his talk so far.
This is the bit people have wrong. I think he's a bit bigger than that. So what, he doesn't like queers, femmies and baby bashers.
Believe it or Not, MANY People Subscribe to the Theory of Flava Flav Having DEPTH & Unfathomable Levels of INTELLECT and Sheer Genius, DESPITE his Cartoonish, Court Jester Level BUFFOONERY... Tyson Fury; the Flava Flav of Heavyweight Boxing???... REED
BOSS thinks Wlad is just scared to get hit and that's all there is to it. BOSS saw a guy in there with Wlad who could put his hands on him and that absolutely petrified Wladimir. BOSS doesn't see the rematch going any differently for those reasons. If Wladimir fought guys his own size he would never have anything resembling a 10 year reign. BOSS is sure of it.
2 in 10 years? BOSS is not impressed. Not to mention they were bums (wach) and old (thompson) who btw gave Wlad lots of problems., it's the fact he's a witless twat, with low intellect, Chav-lifestyle and hates Homo's that bothers you? Wow. Penny just dropped. :NotThink:
Fury is no chav. THe British State plays NO role in his life save to take taxes off him now. He has a family and comes from a family. He's no job center bum I can assure you.
I know that. You know that. But a lot of people don't. And it's that which they tend to draw on when Fury becomes deserved champion.
Funniest thing I read today: 'The first Heavyweight Champion of the World who shits in an Asda carrier-bag'
Is there any particular round worth watching in this fight, or should I just fast-forward the whole thing ?
I'm trying to remember some good shots or moments in the fight and nothing's really coming to mind. Fury landed a sloppy left hook, left upper combo in the later rounds that made me laugh.
Thanks, watching round 11 from 1 minute into it, LOL wtf this is some sloppy clinchy shit. Wlad scared... Nice, there it is!! ok thanks I saw 1 maybe 2 descent shots. Hopefully Wlad retires now and we can open this division up.
This is retarded bullshit. A younger version of Wlad is a much different guy than fought yesterday. To assert that this Wlad is remotely comparable to 95% of his previous versions is being disingenuous. It's a stretch to say it's comparable to the remaining 5%, too.
The best Wlad is better than Fury. Wlad looked shot as hell yesterday. Is he or was it just an off night? I hope they rematch and we get a better indication. Somewhat ironically, this fight was better support to pick Wilder against Fury and I might do just that.