yup. I honestly would never have given an interview revealing so much. She appears to be mentally weak and very easy to get into her head.
Fellow MMA fighter Cat Zingano was at Kalapaki Joe's bar on the Hawaiian island of Kauai when Rousey got knocked out. She should've been happy; Rousey beat her in 14 seconds when they fought in February. But then everyone started yelling "In your face!" and laughing as Rousey bled on the mat. "When I saw what people were saying to her, I was so disappointed in the fans and the sport. I immediately got protective of her," Zingano says. "It was pitiful how people were treating her. And I love all these armchair quarterbacks on etiquette. She didn't touch gloves? I've never touched gloves. I might give them some knuckles or whatever. But we're getting in a fistfight inside some fenced-in walls. You want there to be etiquette?" Exactly. Rousey just needs to get her head straight, get that weight better under control, and have a fucking game plan that is about winning and not impressing. I don't mind her destroyer game plan up to this point--it's made her captivating and rich. However, moving forward, she needs to be smarter and more relaxed. That's getting her head straight.
MMA fans can be vicious, but casual mma Fans who just wanted to see her lose are worse. Which is why i was not upset that Ronda took her time with her response. Fuck these people. THAT being said, Zingano and Rousey are close friends.
Her face gets fat quick when she gains a little weight. I've known girls who were the opposite. They could gain 40 pounds of fat and still have a thin looking cute face. They're hard to spot sometimes on online dating sites.
I have a feeling she'll blow up to 200+ pounds when she retires. The only thing stopping her would be her acting career.
I read the article and this is what stood out to me! "First I was so sick I couldn't eat anything. Then I just slept and pooped in the woods. I used a whole roll of toilet paper in one day." WTF!
Yes I read it, but the "wtf" was the fact that an attractive female would so readily give out that type of information.
She looks fat in the ring most of the time. How the hell that is possible after looking so great at weigh-ins is beyond me.
Because she kills herself and dehyrates herself for the weigh in and then goes back and consumes massive amounts of Alcohol and chicken wings.
Rousey doesn't sound much different than any other ultra competitive person dealing with a heartbreaking loss. That's the nature of sports. That's shit smarts like losing a loved one. I don't know if it's impressive that Rousey kept pressuring and attacking despite being "out on her feet" after taking a shot 30 seconds into the fight or if it's unimpressive that she didn't try to compose herself while stunned.
btw, i was watching some embedded episode where Ronda was talking about taking shots. And if you look at her at the TUF she was getting drunk at that one bar. I personally think alcohol is regular in her life.
I've gotten pretty deep into home distillation lately. My new hobby. I've put on about 10 pounds in the last couple months. Alcohol is an absolute bitch when it comes to body composition.
If someone puts on 15 pounds of water weight, your fat and skin can easily look soggy. She didn't look like that in the weigh ins
Yeah I'm sure she rehydrated like crazy after the weigh in but I seriously doubt her rehydration regimen consist of beer and wings.
I think she meant she was in the woods, like that is where they were staying. The ranch was in the woods.
Of course she is killing herself but if she really eats 15 pounds she couldn't fight with a full stomach. It's still weird. Guys like Quillin and Canelo put on that kinda weight, too but the only look more muscular and bulky. She goes from hottie to saggy/fatty, it's comical.
Well other than it being obviously ridiculous, alcohol is a diiuretic and would dehydrate her further.