People eat like crazy after weigh ins man. And in the embedded episode, she mentioned something about coming back to the room for some shots.
I dont think it's 15 pounds of food. It's mostly water. Nobody can eat that much food in 24 hours and still function.
Those fucking hipster glasses on top of things. She is that type of arrogant looking fatty. go dammit I start to understand Irish on this one... ::
I have noticed with Ronda that prior to the holm fight, each fight she was looking better. And i mean pysically. Clearly she hired a stylist and clearly made sure she was looking sharp. But she wasnt always concerned about her looks prior to making it big. Now it looks like she is back to her pre star days and basically dressing herself and shit. She literally looks like she gives zero fucks right there. Im sure her pussy is stinky and unshaved, her legs are stubbly. I doubt she brushed her teeth or has taken a shower and washed that ridiculous looking hair. And he lips look all crusty and shit.
Carbing up and using creatine after a weigh-in can also make you retain water. I know her fights are usually short, but she has to have the energy to go 5 rounds if need be. Creatine REALLY makes you retain water sometimes.
What a Strange, PATHETIC Interview...Not Pathetic in a BAD Way, but Pathetic in Just How Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar the Mighty has Fallen, in Such a SHORT Period of Time... Ronda's an Emotional WRECK Right Now, Plain and Simple...& She'd BETTER Take a Tune Up Prior to the RE w/Holm, but Even Then, REED DOUBTS Rousey Will Beat Her... It Would Be an UNDERSTATEMENT to Say Her Confidence was Shot...No, Her Confidence has ASSASSINATED & Probably for GOOD... REED:mj:
Reading that interview, it's almost like she never had confidence at all. But this is what i was telling you before about she shouldnt say shit. This interview was a mistake. She will never been seen the same.
Definitely Makes it Look Like She had FALSE Bravado All Along... When REED was Harping on Ronda to Speak in the Immediate Aftermath, he Meant the Obligatory, "She was the Better Woman Tonight, But I'll Be Back" Type of Shit...Not Some Pathetic, Whispery Toned, "Woe Is Me", "I Took a Shit in the Woods and Wiped My Ass w/a Rabbit", "I Can't Eat an Apple for 6 Months" Bullshit... This Shit HERE is Straight Up WEIRD...Like She's JUST a Step from OFF'ing Herself, or Some Shit... Like Rousey's Mother Said in the Piece "WOMAN UP!!!!" REED:mj:
FYI, the Lady the Wrote the Piece was Interviewed on ESPN's Sportscenter and Said Rousey's Camp was Already in Talks w/Freddie Roach.... REED:mj:
She got suicide tendencies and we know it runs in the family. Just looking at her, i knew she was not mentally strong.
It's a good idea to get Roach teaching her some tricks, but she needs more than that - issue is that Roach is a boxing trainer and will try to get her with her weight on the front foot, side on stance, tight guard, none of which are great for MMA. She also needs some decent Muay Thai training to defend against kicks/learn how to kick/elbow properly.
Roach was the one that said Ronda had great standup. And then when she lost bashed her standup. She needs to go someone like Winkeljohn, but that wont happen so IMO she should try and get in touch with Duane Ludwig. The problem is that she was just seen at Edmonds Gym a few days ago. If she doesnt leave him, it's all over.
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No - but I know Ludwig has been around the traps when it comes to Muay Thai and MMA so will be a good fit.
Seems like she already pledged allegiance to Targaryen. She could hire someone better with all that money.
Stylewise, Holly should beat her every day of the week and twice on Sundays. But this is MMA and so anything can happen in a rematch. I'm glad her confidence is shot...she was starting to talk way too much shit, and Joe Rogan needed a wake up call after crying in interviews with her and acting like she was the daughter of Zeus.
If Ronda completely focuses on taking Holly down and not try and trade with her, this fight will be MUCH tougher for Holly. My whole reasoning for picking Holly over a year ago was picking i saw how Ronda thinks she can strike. On the ground, Ronda's chances are real good.