Fights like this have always been with us: Ali v Holmes....Leonard v Camacho...Tyson v McBride....De la Hoya v Pacquiao...Hamed v Barrera (LOL)
The comprehensive drug testing always performed in Russia will show that Enzo was juiced up turning the fight into a no-contest further enhancing Roy's legacy.
RJ chin is really made of pure glass. YOu could make a pretty decent war movie by using the clips of him getting koed. In pretty much all of them, he falls like he had been shot.
Indeed it is. Pretty much like Wlad, it's a testament of their talents and skills that they were able to dominate for that long, while having glass jaws (though, Even if Roy isn't a blood and guts warrior, he has a lot more heart the Wladerina). Thugh to be honest, it has also a lot to do with the weak opposition that they fought.
Hopkins and Toney were tough opposition. And it's not like Roy NEVER got hit in his prime. Maybe not by a devasating puncher but he did he get hit. His chin isn't great. But it wasn't always THIS bad.
Travis Walker didn't get koed by every punch he got hit by either. Doesn't means that his chin is not glass.
Whatever. That looked like when he went down against Glen Johnson. It's amazing that Jones actually has the Holyfield warrior spirit and can't leave the sport. It's so unlike his prime, where he was afraid of doing anything that wouldn't be considered 'smart' and wouldn't leave the confines of home unless it was a gimme fight. Now? He's reckless and borderline pathetic staying in the game as a fighter. We know he's smart, we know he knows the game. There are easier ways to make a living in the sport. Hope he takes them.
Once again it was proven that these Russians just don't have the chin and the heart to compete at the top
:: Enzo is a big pal of Joe Cals. I hope they sit around the fire being served Tea and Crumpet by Leroy their faithful manservant, regaling each other with tales of how they both beat varying shades of shit out the various degenerations of Roy ::
I didn't even realize Roy was still fighting. Isn't he almost 50 by now?
Jones fell like a tree, literally. TIMBER.... I don't know why a once great fighter would continue to do this to himself. Surely he can make enough money working with Lamps and Kellerman on the HBO broadcasts. Why does he continue to fight and shame himself?
What else does he know..............someday men will realize what a gift it is to be able to be mediocre.
Boy oh I wish Jones had retired immediately after beating Ruiz. Right now it would have been him and Ray Robinson for the top spot. Since he didn't, however, his legacy has taken a severe beating (worse than his chin).
Terrible, terrible KTFO by a guy who wouldn't have won a minute of the fight against a prime RJJ. Fuck's sake. MTF
This is just flat out sad and pathetic. Roy Jones should have retired years ago. If the people around him cared they should have told him it's over a long time ago. It's so sad to see such a gifted fighter end up like this. His health is at serious risk and they need to ban him from fighting on.