Sad stuff. He's looked so shit for so long now it's getting harder to remember just how bloody good he used to be.
Indeed...On youtube I'm always looking at career highlights of fighter I came up with..Tyson, Whitaker, Jones, Trinidad, etc...most of them found PEACE after/with retirement...sadly Roy Jones for some reason(money i guess) keeps on fighting.....the last 7-10 years of him getting KO'd by dudes he would've easily dominated in his prime...I always go on youtube to remember how GREAT he once was... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I bet he never imagine that his career would end/wind down this way..smh.....with 7? 8? 9? defeats...smh...and still fighting at 50 years..SAD..smh..
One of the most beautiful jab(left hook)/right hand combo I have ever seen from any fighter....
This has become routine now. Millennials know Roy Jones only as that ex-champ dude who gets KTFO by scrubs across the Atlantic. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
can there be bad win streaks? I mean when the competition is bad or something, like it has been the case with Jones...
I have to say, whenever Jones gets knocked out he get knocked THE FUCK out! He's the king of the KTFO. He either goes through the ropes, lands flat on his back and lays motionless for 20 mins or falls like a redwood tree. That maybe his lasting legacy...the man who knows how to get knocked the fuck out.
REED Hasn't Seen a Roy Jones Bout in 5 Years & Dude was SHOT for 5 Years Leading Up to THAT Point... REED
That's fucked up Reed. You should be flying all over the globe to support your idol. I guess fair weather fans don't fly.
Yeah, he seemed invincible. Now any mythical matchup with Roy starts or ends with "if Roy don't get KTFO".
REED Would Be an ENABLER of Roy's Futile Quest for Whatever it is he Seeks, by Continuing to Watch his Fights...Besides that, it HURT like Hell to Watch him Fight, 5 Fucking YEARS Ago... When Michael Jordan COULDN'T Play Basketball Anymore, the World Sloooooowly STOPPED Watching...Ditto for Roy Jones, who is INCAPABLE of Fighting Anymore, Becoming Highlight Reel FODDER for Dudes REED's Barely (or NEVER) Heard Of...The "Roy Jones" REED Knew and Loooooooooooooooved Hasn't Existed for the Last 12-15 Years Now... Thank GOD for the Video Library!!! REED
Realistically, he shoulda retired after Johnson. If he wanted to retire on a high note, at the VERY LATEST he shoulda retired after he thrashed Lacy. The Lacy fight was the last time Roy showed FLASHES of his young self, and won in style. It woulda been a nice farewell fight for him.
The MJ situation is totally different though. Jordan wasn't delusional when he played for the Wizards. He KNEW he wasn't an elite player anymore. He just wanted to show that he was still capable of playing in the league, and he DID show that. He never embarrassed himself. He would show flashes every now and then and drop 30-40 once in awhile, but for the most part he knew he was an old man and he stayed in his lane. And after two years he officially walked away. Roy, unlike Jordan, is truly delusional. He thinks he's still the RJ of 96.
If he is fighting just to make money, I have no problem with him continuing if he isn't getting knocked out
Does he REALLY need money THAT badly though? I mean Jesus Christ, I know HBO isn't paying him minimum wage.
I guess Roy just wouldn't know what to do with himself if he wasn't boxing. Wish he'd get into training full time. I think he could develop some good young fighters if he wanted to.
MJ "showed flashes" when he kept the ball and tried enough times. Lol. You don't get knocked out in basketball though.
Tito is surely broker than Jones and a little younger. The idea of Tito still fighting for these last 10 or 12 years is insane. Isn't Yory Boy Campas still active?
Jordan wasn't a bum, even with the Wiz. At the time the elite guards in the league were Kobe, T-Mac, Carter, Iverson, Allen. Jordan sure as Hell was not as good as them. But he was still good enough to average 20 ppg and not embarrass himself. Roy has embarrassed himself.
Tito isn't that broke. He retained some of his money and the banks are working to return him a lot of what he lost. With Roy, I truly believe it's a case of him just not being to come to grips with the fact that he can't fight like he used to.
I've always believed that a superstar athlete in a game sport should continue to play as long as he wishes to. Why should they listen to some dumbasses who say he should retire because he's no longer dominant? Game sports are fun. If you're good enough to make the team, why not stick around and live the life most of us can only dream of, even if you're just a backup? Fight sports are different. While I still think a person should be able to make their own decisions about what they do with their lives, I don't think it's unreasonable or unfair to want someone to get out of a fight sport because they are being a danger to their own health.
REED's Pretty Sure Roy Lost Quite a Bit of his Earnings Investing in the Record Label he Started (Body-Head Entertainment)...He Also had a Run-In or 2 w/the IRS, as a Result... REED Thinks Roy's Fighting Out of NECESSITY, More than Anything Else... REED