I was going to say now Roy is 0 for 2 against Italian Welshmen. Enzo Calzaghe used to train Macaroni (maybe he still does.) He had that great quote when Haye sparked him. "Haye was lucky he knocked Enzo out in round 2. If it had gone 12 he would have been in for a world of punishment." :wtf1:
apparently max kellerman was making 550k when he took over for merchant in 2005, according to hauser.
That's cos Enzo and his equally thick Taffy-Guinea son are then most deluded cunts in boxing of the last 20 years. Shit trainer, shit boxer.
I agree, probably a lot more. It doesn't really matter, though. Jones has ways to make decent money that don't require him to get knocked out.
While it's obvious an announcing gig is never going to pay the same as actual fighting he must need money to pay off debts. It doesn't sound like Roy has ever lived a lavish lifestyle. The HBO gig alone would (should) more than pay for that.
Ha ha. I liked Calzaghe. I didn't at first but became a fan later in his career. One of my favorite fights is Calzaghe-Kessler. Calzaghe just takes over that fight about midway through. I wish he would have fought bigger names earlier in his career but he was also no spring chicken when he fought Hopkins and RJJ either.
Calzaghe was an excellent fighter indeed. He was DESPISED because he was protected for long, but he proved how good he was in the latter part of his career. Would have loved to see him and Roy fight when they were both in their PRIMES but unfortunately it never came. In truth, Roy should have actually AGREED to come to the UK for that fight, or at least SAY he would have to see what may have happened.
Jones should have fought Calzaghe, Darius M, Vassily Jirov, Nigel Benn, Prime Bernard Hopkins. There were some big fights for him in his prime.....but instead he waited till he was washed up to take the big fights.
The first two didn't want anything to do with him and the Hopkins thing is pretty well documented. A Jirov fight almost certainly could have been made though. At a minimum Roy should've tried harder to get at least a couple of those done regardless of being on the A side.
I admit that he should have fought them, not that he needed to fight them to prove how good he was. That was already established after beating Toney, Hill and Hopkins the first time.
Yeah, RJ still is a great fighter, but there's a ton of good fights he could have made instead of fighting outmatched opponents after another for a good part of his prime. I know it wasn't alway's his fault but at the end of the day, he didn't seemed to be the kind of guy willing to compromise at the negotiating table.
The only one Jones can be completely blamed for is Dariusz. Lineal title + most $ = Jones a bitch. The guy you are missing is Collins. That's a more forgivable duck because he didn't bring the same thing to the table as Dariusz, but Collins had the 2x wins over Benn and Eubank and had earned the shot.
Clearly, Your Grasp of What ACTUALLY Transpired is LACKING, Homey... Prior to Roy's Fight w/Bryant Brannon, HBO (Not Roy, but the Network ITSELF) Announced Steve Collins, Frankie Liles AND Nigel Benn ALL Turned Down "Career High Purses" (@ the Time) to Face Roy...Instead, Roy Fought a Non-Descript Mandatory that Night Because he COULDN'T Get a Super Middle in the Ring w/Him... As for MichalSHITski, Funny How he Sat RINGSIDE for Roy vs. Virgil Hill, Suggesting he'd Actually FIGHT on American Soil, yet NEVER Entertained the Idea, After Roy Wiped his Ass w/the Guy MichalSHITski Went the Distance w/...w/the Possible Exception of Sven Ottke, NO LEGIT, Contemporary Euro Fighter's Done LESS to Accentuate his World Wide Profile, than Dariusz MichalSHITski Did...Hamed, Lennox Lewis, Hatton, Froch, Calzaghe, Khan, Kell Brook, Kessler, GGG, Andy Lee...ALL of those Dudes Showed an Actual INCLINATION to Fight in America that Conveniently ESCAPED MichalSHITski... But Leave it to YOU to Place the Blame on Roy.... REED
For the 57th Time, YOU Picked WHOlio Gonzalez to BEAT Roy Jones, Yet You've FAILED to Even Credit him for THAT, To this VERYfuckingDAY.... Yet, @ the Same Time, You Want to Call Sly Out on Fights Roy DIDN'T Have???.... The Fact Roy Jones, in his PATHETIC State, STILL Conjures Irrational Feelings of HATE Out of YOU, is Comical... REED
Roy would have made more money in Germany, but he went bitch and blamed his Olympic scoring in Korea. Think about that for a second. Rewrite it all you like, but not fighting Dariusz was Roy's fault. Dariusz wasn't willing to take short money to fight Roy in the USA, but why should he? Show me the HBO offer to Dariusz like the other fighters you mention received. I don't remember Collins ever turning down a fight with Roy. He retired when he couldn't line up a fight. I'd be very surprised if Collins wouldn't come to the USA, too. Just because an offer is a career high payday isn't conclusive, either. Career high offers can still be butt rape.
Jones clearly wasn't a guy that thrived on challenging himself. He was content fighting mostly nondescript opposition for most of his career. His resume his decent, but it could have been so much better if he had dare to prove his greatness. I just read in an article that ROy admitted that he has trouble with his balance, probably because of brain damage. THat he is still fighting in spite of that is mind boggling
agreed Roy rightfully didn't want to fight overseas :nono: it's American soil or nothing, for his entire career, regardless of the money on offer...oh wait excuse GONE
http://thelab.bleacherreport.com/roy-jones-jr-s-br-long-goodbye/ Apologies if posted already, an excellent long read
I am just saying props to sly for finally conceding that rjj should have done a lot more than he did.
na he gave him credit for when I asked him to the last time you mentioned he didn't give him any credit. I thought it couldn't stand like that...
Most Calzaghe haters on boxing sites picked him to lose against Lacy, Kessler, Hopkins, and RJJ. And after they went 0 for 4 on those picks, they still called him a bum and a fraud. Next it was supposed to be Pavlik who was going to wipe his ass with Calzaghe (the same way the other 4 were supposed to.) Seeing him get picked apart by little Sergio up from 154 told us all we needed to know of what Calzaghe would have done to Pavlik. But seriously, the people that give Calzaghe no credit now are the same ones that picked against him every big fight.
Roy "Would've Made More Money in Germany" Based on WHAT???... WHY Should MichalSHITski Be Willing to Take "Short Money" to Face Roy in the U.S.???...For Starters, Because Roy was CLEARLY the A-Side of the Equation...To this Day, You Can Speak @ Length about Roy Jones w/Out 1nce Mentioning MichalSHIski, yet it's IMPOSSIBLE to Speak about MichalSHITski w/Out Mentioning Roy Jones...That, In ITSELF, Fully Encapsulates Just WHO Needed the Fight More, Dude... On Top of that, High Profile American Fighters Simply DON'T Fight Overseas, in their Primes...DeLa Never Did It, Sugar Shane Never Did It, Ray Leonard Never Did It, Thomas Hearns Never Did It, Floyd Mayweather Never Did It, Fernando Vargas Never did It...That's just the Way it IS...On that Note, MANY European Fighters GLADLY Bring their Talents Across the Pond... Hamed, Lennox Lewis, the Klit Brothers, Hatton, Froch, Calzaghe, Khan, Kell Brook, Kessler, GGG, Andy Lee, Kovalev...Hell, Tyson Fury ALREADY Has and No Doubt Anthony Joshua EVENTUALLY Will... Please EXPLAIN What Makes MichalSHITski Sooooooo SPECIAL, that He Could Forego CHALLENGING Himself Overseas, like Most Other ELITE Level Euro Fighters Do, Eventually???... Watch the Pre-Fight of the Roy vs. Brannon Telecast...Jim Lampley, Who's PRIVY to HBO Contract Negotiations, Stated Steve Collins, Frankie Liles AND Nigel Been "....All Turned Down CAREER HIGH Paydays to Fight Roy Jones."... REED:hammert:
I don't know why we're still talking about Darius....Roy woulda lit that bum up.....Gonzales beat Darius FFS.