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Hopkins is a 50 year old man. Kovalev is an Ivan-Drago-esqe destroyer of men*. *(well, when it suits Fb posters, that is)
Kovalev is WAY overrated. The moment Andre Ward outboxes him via landslide UD the excuses will start.
Kovalev is totally overrrated as usual by FB posters who are in self-denial and desperately hang onto boxing as some valid, important sport in 2015. If you can't accept that, then you're seriously deluded as cdogg is over 'Music'.
At one moment I thought Ward would outbox Kova...but then I REMEMBER how Ward actually fights...a whole lot of clinching, smothering this time Kova will be the MUCH..MUCH stronger fighter...Kova is still overated though...
I just realized I posted this in The Fracure Ward. :doh: Mods....can you move to General Boxing Forum please and see if any of the so-called 'Boxing-Einstein's' can dispute this shit. opcorn:
If Ward was an 'on your toes' out-fighter, I'd agree. But he's inside mauler who looks to push you back and stay inside, and I'm not convinced that will work at 175 pounds against a bigger and stronger fighter like Kovalev. And if he stays outside, he'll have a problem with Kovalev's jab and distance management. I just think it's a bad style match up for Ward.
It falls on me to address the elephant in the room (and begin the fulfillment of UGTBK's prophecy).... The answer is: Hopkins is a better fighter than Leonard and most that came before him...so good in fact that at age 49 he survived a young huge killer in his prime.
Kovalev isn't a mindless slugger. He has boxing ability: movement, positioning, ring generalship, balance, defense. I think War would win, but it would be close.
Kovalev LACKED Faith in his Stamina, @ the Time... Knowing Bernard was CAPABLE of Lasting the Full 12, Kovalev PACED Himself to a Fault...But All You Need to Do Is Watch the Final Round of that Bout, to Realize What Kovalev COULD Have Done to Bernard that Night...Or Acquire a Sense of What Would Happen in a RE... REED
It's really hard to KO a bloke that spoils/mugs/doesn't want to engage - that's a latter-career Hopkins specialty.
True, but at 50? Really? Everyone gets caught eventually and my point is, they get caugfht out by less-than-stellar opposition. FB has raised Kovadev as some Easter-Europe-Terminator....with and I quote, 'power, boxing ability, movement, positioning, ring generalship, balance, defense' and yet, he can't dispatch a 50 year old man. The point remains and is valid: Kovarak is overrated.
as much as stevenson is a total puss, i think he would not be an easy fight for kovalev. really wish they could fight but am really doubtful it will happen anytime soon.
Hopkins ran for the majority of the fight and threw 190 punches after being dropped in round 1. He's old but still tough and cagey as fuck. Kovalev still won the fight by 13 points.
Also Ward is annoying but a great fighter. Losing to him frontman you suck, unless people think Froch sucks to.